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All terms

This is a list of all terms in the present ontology that are tied to concepts. Total tied labels: 5271. Heatmap bullet indicates associated development, with red (hotter) representing a high degree of activity.
    1. Valvifer
    1st abdominal segment
    1st flagellomere
    1st recurrent
    1st tergite
    2nd abdominal spiracle
    2nd tergite
    2nd valvifer-vagina muscle
    2nd valvifer-venom gland reservoir muscle
    3rd abdominal spiracle
    3rd tergite
    4th abdominal spiracle
    4th tergite
    5th abdominal spiracle
    5th tergite
    6. bauchschuppe
    6th abdominal spiracle
    6º sternite
    7. rückensegment
    7. Sternit
    7th abdominal spiracle
    7th abdominal sternum
    7th abdominal sternum-vagina muscle
    7th gastral segment
    7th sternite
    7º sternite
    8. Tergit
    8th abdominal spiracle
    8th abdominal tergum
    8th gastral segment
    8th hemitergite
    8th sternite
    8th tergum
    8º tergite
    9. Tergit
    9th abdominal tergite
    9th hemitergites
    9th tergite
    9th tergum
    9º tergite
    A1 flap
    abdominal laterotergite 1
    abdominal laterotergite 10
    abdominal laterotergite 2
    abdominal laterotergite 3
    abdominal laterotergite 4
    abdominal laterotergite 5
    abdominal laterotergite 6
    abdominal laterotergite 7
    abdominal laterotergite 8
    abdominal laterotergite 9
    abdominal mediotergite 1
    abdominal mediotergite 10
    abdominal mediotergite 2
    abdominal mediotergite 3
    abdominal mediotergite 4
    abdominal mediotergite 5
    abdominal mediotergite 6
    abdominal mediotergite 7
    abdominal mediotergite 8
    abdominal mediotergite 9
    abdominal muscle
    abdominal petiole
    abdominal segment
    abdominal segment 1
    abdominal segment 10
    abdominal segment 2
    abdominal segment 2-abdominal segment 1 articulation
    abdominal segment 3
    abdominal segment 4
    abdominal segment 5
    abdominal segment 6
    abdominal segment 7
    abdominal segment 8
    abdominal segment 9
    abdominal segment I
    abdominal segment IV
    abdominal segment IX
    abdominal segment V
    abdominal segment VI
    abdominal segment VII
    abdominal segment VIII
    abdominal segment X
    abdominal spiracle
    abdominal sternite 3
    Abdominal sternite 6
    abdominal sternite 7
    abdominal sternite 8
    abdominal sternite 9
    abdominal sternite II
    abdominal sternite IV
    abdominal sternite V
    abdominal sternite VI
    abdominal sternite VIII
    abdominal sternum
    abdominal sternum 10
    abdominal sternum 2
    abdominal sternum 3
    abdominal sternum 4
    abdominal sternum 5
    abdominal sternum 6
    abdominal sternum 7
    abdominal sternum 8
    abdominal sternum 9
    abdominal sternum III
    abdominal sternum IV
    abdominal sternum V
    abdominal sternum VI
    abdominal sternum VII
    abdominal sternum VIII
    abdominal terga 8
    abdominal tergite 10
    abdominal tergite 8
    abdominal tergite 9
    abdominal tergite II
    abdominal tergite III
    abdominal tergite IV
    abdominal tergite V
    abdominal tergite VI
    abdominal tergite VIII
    abdominal tergum
    abdominal tergum 1
    abdominal tergum 10
    abdominal tergum 2
    abdominal tergum 3
    abdominal tergum 4
    abdominal tergum 5
    abdominal tergum 6
    abdominal tergum 7
    abdominal tergum 8
    abdominal tergum 9
    abdominal tergum III
    abdominal tergum IV
    abdominal tergum V
    abdominal tergum VI
    abdominal tergum VII
    abdominal tergum VIII
    abdominal tergum X
    abductor of the mandible
    aboral surface
    absolute cephalic size
    accessory gland
    accessory prong of hypopygium
    accessory sclerite of 4th axillary sclerite
    accessory tooth
    accessory ventral condyle
    acellular anatomical structure
    acetabular carina
    acetabular field
    acetabular groove
    acetabulum anticum
    acetabulum intermedium
    acetabulum mesocoxale
    acetabulum metacoxale
    acetabulum of middle coxae
    acetabulum posticum
    acetabulum procoxale
    acropleural apodeme
    acropleural ridge
    acropleural sulcus
    acrosternal calyx
    acrosternite 2
    acrosternite 3
    acrosternite 4
    acrosternite 5
    acrosternite 6
    acrosternite 7
    acrosternite 8
    acrosternite 9
    acrotergal calyx
    additional lateral suture
    additional parapsidal suture
    additional suture
    adductor of the labium
    adductor of the labrum
    adductor of the mandible
    adductors of the maxilla
    adipose system
    adlateral line
    admarginal cell
    admarginal setae
    admedian clypeal furrow
    admedian depression of pronotum
    admedian line
    adnotaular setae
    adoral depression
    adoral hollow
    adpetiolar strip
    adpetiolar triangle
    adstigmal setae
    adult abdomen
    adult tagma
    adult thorax
    aedeagal apodeme
    aedeagal rod
    aedeagal sclerite
    ala antica
    ala inferior
    ala posterior
    ala postica
    ala superior
    alary muscle
    alimentary canal
    alkaline gland
    anal area
    anal fold
    anal furrow
    anal nervure
    anal plates
    anal sclerite
    anal vein
    anal vein (A) setal line
    anapleural suture
    anatomical cluster
    anatomical entity
    anatomical group
    anatomical line
    anatomical point
    anatomical region
    anatomical space
    anatomical structure
    anatomical surface
    anatomical system
    annular hair
    annular lamina
    annulus of petiole
    anteclypeal setal pair
    antecostal sulcus
    antecostal sulcus of the first abdominal tergum
    antemedian mesonotal wing process
    antemedian notal wing process
    antenna cleaner
    antennal articular process
    antennal clava
    antennal cleaning organ
    antennal condyle
    antennal condyle of the cranium
    antennal foramen
    antennal insertion
    antennal lobe
    antennal muscle
    antennal nerve
    antennal rim
    antennal scape
    antennal sclerite
    antennal scrobal carina
    antennal scrobe
    antennal segment
    antennal shelf
    antennal socket
    antennal suture
    anterior adductor of the labium
    anterior admedial line
    anterior alar plate
    anterior angle
    anterior angle of the first valvifer
    anterior area of the second abdominal sternite
    anterior area of the second valvifer
    anterior arms of tentorium
    anterior articulation of mandible
    anterior conjunctival thickening
    anterior coxa
    anterior coxal articular process of the mesotrochanter
    anterior coxal articular process of the trochanter
    anterior coxal depressor of the middle trochanter
    anterior coxal fossa of the mesotrochanter
    anterior coxal fossa of the metatrochanter
    anterior coxal fossa of the protrochanter
    anterior cranio-mandibular articulation
    anterior cranio-mandibular muscle
    anterior declivity of mesoscutum
    anterior discrimenal pit
    anterior extension of lateral axillar area
    anterior extension of mesofurca
    anterior extension of the preaxilla
    anterior femoro-tibial articulation
    anterior flange
    anterior flange of abdominal tergum 9
    anterior flange of abdominal tergum nine
    anterior flange of pronotal plate
    anterior flange of the first valvifer
    anterior flexor of the ligula
    anterior fovea
    anterior fovea of scutellum
    anterior fronto-labral muscle
    anterior furca
    anterior furcal-laterophragmal muscle
    anterior glossal plate
    anterior glossal sclerite
    anterior labral retractor
    anterior labral seta
    anterior lacinial fimbriae
    anterior levator of the fore trochanter
    anterior levator of the hind trochanter
    anterior levator of the middle trochanter
    anterior margin of the speculum
    anterior mesepisternal area
    anterior mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral articulation
    anterior mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral muscle
    anterior mesofemoro-mesotibial articulation
    anterior mesofurcal arm
    anterior mesofurcal invagination
    anterior mesofurcal pit
    anterior mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal
    anterior mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal muscle
    anterior mesonotal wing process
    anterior mesonoto-mesotrochanteral
    anterior mesonoto-mesotrochanteral muscle
    anterior mesonoto-metanotal muscle
    anterior mesopleural area
    Anterior mesopleural fovea
    anterior mesopleural sulcus
    anterior mesopleuro-mesofurcal
    anterior mesopleuro-mesofurcal muscle
    anterior mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing muscle
    anterior mesoscutal width
    anterior mesotibio-mesobasitarsal muscle
    anterior metacoxo-metatrochanteral articulation
    anterior metafemoro-metatibial articulation
    anterior metafurcal arm
    anterior metanotal wing process
    anterior metanoto-metacoxal
    anterior metanoto-metacoxal muscle
    anterior metapleural carina
    anterior metapleuro-metabasalar
    anterior metapleuro-metabasalar muscle
    anterior metapleuro-metabasalare muscle
    anterior metapleuro-metafurcal
    anterior metapleuro-metafurcal muscle
    anterior metatibial spur
    anterior metatibio-metabasitarsal muscle
    anterior notal wing process
    anterior notch of the dorsal valve
    anterior ocellar-orbital line
    anterior ocellus
    anterior ocellus-torulus distance
    anterior palpi
    anterior parallel line
    anterior part of pronotal plate
    anterior petiolar length
    anterior petiolar process
    anterior phragma
    anterior plate of pronotum
    anterior plates
    anterior process of mesopostphragma
    anterior process of the mesofurcal bridge
    anterior process of the pronotum
    anterior process of the prosternum
    anterior process of the tentorial bridge
    anterior procoxo-protrochanteral articulation
    anterior procoxo-protrochanteral muscle
    anterior profemoro-protibial articulation
    anterior profile of petiolar node
    anterior profile of petiolar node contour line
    anterior profurcal apodeme
    anterior profurcal lamella
    anterior profurco-procoxal
    anterior profurco-procoxal muscle
    anterior pronotal angle
    anterior pronotal inflection
    anterior pronotal slope
    anterior pronoto-laterocervical
    anterior pronoto-laterocervical muscle
    anterior propodeal projection
    anterior protibio-probasitarsal muscle
    anterior proximal process of the mesobasitarsus
    anterior proximal process of the metabasitarsus
    anterior proximal process of the probasitarsus
    anterior ridge of T9
    anterior rim of pronotum
    anterior scutellar pit
    anterior scutellum
    anterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle
    anterior section of dorsal flange of second valvifer
    anterior setal pit
    anterior stipito-palpal muscle
    anterior supraalar area
    anterior surface
    anterior surface of the glossa
    anterior tentorial arm
    anterior tentorial groove
    anterior tentorial pit
    anterior tentorio-premental muscle
    anterior tentorio-scapal muscle
    anterior tentorio-stipital muscle
    anterior thoracic spiracle
    anterior thoracic spiracle occlusor muscle
    anterior tibia
    anterior trochanteral articular process of the metacoxa
    anterior trochanteral articular process of the procoxa
    anterior trochanteral condyle of the mesocoxa
    anterior trochanteral condyle of the metacoxa
    anterior trochanteral condyle of the procoxa
    anterior trochanteral fossa of the mesocoxa
    anterior upper area of mesopleuron
    anterior wing
    antero-admedian line
    antero-dorsal incision of mesopleuron
    anteroadmedian line
    anteroadmedian signum
    anterodistal notch of the fore wing
    anterodorsal rim of petiole
    anterodorsal spine of the petiolar node
    anterolateral depression of the petiole
    anterolateral mesopectal inflection
    anterolateral mesopectal projection
    anterolateral mesoscutal corner
    anterolateral metacoxo-metatrochanteral muscle
    anterolateral metapleuro-metanotal
    anterolateral metapleuro-metanotal muscle
    anterolateral wall of the stipes
    anteromedian line
    anteromedian mesoscutal lobe
    anteromedian projection of the metanoto-propodeo-metapecto-mesopectal complex
    anteromedian pronotal ridge
    anteroposterior anatomical line
    anteroventral cavity
    anteroventral depression of pronotum
    anteroventral foramen of metapleuron
    anteroventral inflection of the pronotum
    anteroventral mesopectal margin
    anteroventral mesoscutal inflection
    anteroventral pronotal inflection
    antescutal depression
    antespiracular setal patch
    apex gonostipitis
    apex of the calcar
    apical cell
    apical clavomere ventral pit
    apical distance of pronotal spines
    apical flagellomere
    apical glossal hair
    apical glossal hairs
    apical glossal setae
    apical gonostyle/volsella complex-harpal muscle
    apical hamulus
    apical lobe
    apical lobe of the galea
    apical parossiculal seta
    apical peg
    apical petiolar spine distance
    apical process of the labrum
    apical row of spines
    apical setae of T3
    apical spine distance
    apical tarsomere
    apical tooth of mandible
    apical transverse sclerotized part of galea
    apicolateral galeal plate
    apicolateral galeal setae
    apicomedial galeal plate
    apodema thyrsou
    apodeme of penis valve
    apophyse péniale
    apophyse principal
    aporous sensillum
    appendage segment
    appendix genitalis
    apron of the lorum
    arch of the furca
    area dentipara
    area externomedia
    area internomedia
    area praeepisternalis
    area praeomaulicis
    area remigialis
    arithmetic mean
    armatura genitalis
    arolial manubrium
    arthrodial membrane
    articular inflection
    articular line
    articular membrane
    articular membrane of the mesotibio-mesobasitarsal joint
    articular membrane of the mesotibio-mesobasitarsal muscle
    articular membrane of the metacoxo-metatrochanteral joint
    articular membrane of the protibio-probasitarsal joint
    articular notch
    articular pan
    articular process
    articular surface
    articulatory bulb
    articulus antennalis basalis
    articulus pedicellaris
    articulus scapalis
    artus antennalis basalis
    asexual organism
    atypical epithelium
    Aussenlappen der Lacinia
    auxiliar sclerite
    auxiliary propodeal carina
    axillar carina
    axillar crescent
    axillar depression
    axillar phragma
    axillar pit
    axillary cord
    axillary cord of the fore wing
    axillary cord of the hind wing
    axillary lever
    axillary muscle
    axillary region
    axillary region of the fore wing
    axillary sclerite
    axillary trough
    axillular carina
    axillular groove
    axillular grove/carina
    axillular line
    axillular setae
    axillular spine
    back piece
    baguettes du fourreau
    banding pattern
    basal angle of the mandible
    basal apodeme of ninth abdominal sternum
    basal articulation
    basal bridge
    basal cardinal ridge
    basal cell
    basal elongate sclerotized part of galea
    basal fold
    basal galeal sclerite
    basal glossal invagination
    basal grooves
    basal hooklet
    basal knob
    basal lacinial sclerite
    basal lamina
    basal line of the second valvifer
    basal lobe
    basal lobe of the galea
    basal longitudinal carinae of the syntergum
    basal margin
    basal margin of mandible
    basal node
    basal part of forceps
    basal part of stipes
    basal plate of tongue
    basal process of the prementum
    basal ridge
    basal ring
    basal ring of femur
    basal segment of forceps
    basal setal line
    basal tooth of mandible
    basal tooth of the mandible
    basal transverse carina of third abdominal tergite
    basal vein
    basalar apodeme
    basalare 1
    basalare sclerite 2
    basement membrane
    basiconic capitate peg sensillum
    basiconic sensillum
    basicostal suture
    basicoxal acetabulum
    basicoxal foramen
    basicoxal girdle
    basigaleal sclerite
    basiglossal sclerite
    basiglossal sensillum
    basilateral galeal plate
    basimedial galeal plate
    basiparaglossal brush
    basiparaglossal sclerite
    basistipital apodeme
    basistipital process
    basitarsal articular process of the mesotibia
    basitarsal articular process of the metatibia
    basitarsal articular process of the protibia
    basitarsal comb
    basitarsal fossa of the mesotibia
    basitarsal fossa of the metatibia
    basitarsal fossa of the protibia
    basitarsal notch
    basitarsus of the hindleg
    basivolsellar bridge
    basivolsellar strut
    beborstete distale enden der scheidenplatten
    besser: legescheiden
    body length
    body segment
    body wall
    branche et tige
    bridge of second valvifer
    buccal cavity
    buccal lobe
    bulla of the Waterston's evaporatorium
    callar furrow
    callar region
    calyx gland
    campaniform sensillum
    campaniform sensillum of the glossa
    campaniform sensillum of the premenum
    campaniform stipital sensillum
    campus analis
    cannelure basalare
    capitate peg sensillum
    cardiac muscle
    cardinal articular condyle of the cranium
    cardinal condyle of lorum
    cardinal condyle of the stipes
    cardinal flap
    cardinal fragmentum
    cardinal lever
    cardinal macula
    cardinal protractor of the proboscis
    cardinal ridge
    cardinal-stipital hinge
    cardino-stipital hinge
    carène intertorulaire
    carene préoccipitale
    carina along scutellar margin
    carina mandibularis
    carina of antennal scrobe
    carina volsellaris
    caudal cylinder
    caudal petiolar profile
    caudal setal row on T7
    cavea antennalis
    cavea mesocoxalis
    cavea metacoxalis
    cavea procoxalis
    cavitated compound organ
    cell component
    cell space
    cellula costalis
    cellula intercostalis
    central keel
    central nervous system
    central pad
    cephalic foramen
    cercal bristle
    cercal plate
    cercal seta
    cervical apodeme
    cervical foramen
    cervical prominence
    cervical pronotal area
    cervical sclerite
    chamber of the metanotum
    chelate structure
    chitinized ridge
    chitinous cuticle
    circulatory system
    circumantennal carinae
    circumocular ridge
    circumocular sulcus
    circumocular suture
    circumscutellar carina
    claval flexion line
    claval fold
    claval furrow
    claval lobe
    claval segment
    cleaning brush
    clypeal apron
    clypeal carina
    clypeal lamella
    clypeal ledge
    clypeal margin
    clypeal process
    clypeal suture
    clypeal tooth
    clypeo-compound eye distance
    clypeo-epipharyngeal muscle
    clypeo-frontal carina
    clypeo-frontal sulcus
    clypeo-frontal suture
    clypeo-pleurostomal line
    clypeogenal sulcus
    clypeus-torulus distance
    coeloconic sensillum
    coeloconic sensillum of the galea
    colleterial gland
    comb of galea
    comb of the notch
    comb of the spur
    common oviduct
    compound eye
    compound organ
    compound organ component
    compressor of the salivary syringe
    compressors of the suctorium
    condylar carina of the mandible
    condylar groove
    condylar ridge
    constrictors of the pharynx
    contour line
    convergirende Furchen
    copulatory apparatus
    copulatory ossicle
    copulatory sclerite
    cordate apodeme
    coronal line
    coronal suture
    corps tige et deux branches
    corpus pedunculatum
    costa cubitalis
    costa marginalis
    costa mediga
    costal alae anterioris
    costal cell
    costal lobe
    costal margin
    costal notch
    costal sclerite
    costal vein
    costal vein of fore wing
    coxa anterior
    coxa mesothoracalis
    coxa metathoracalis
    coxa pedis anteriores
    coxa pedis medialis
    coxa pedis posteriores
    coxa posterior
    coxa prothoracalis
    coxal cavity
    coxal condyle of the pectus
    coxal corium
    coxal depressor of the fore trochanter
    coxal depressor of the hind trochanter
    coxal foramen
    cranial articulation of cardo
    cranial condyle
    cranial condyle of cardo
    cranial condyle of the propleuron
    cranial fossa of the cardo
    cranial scrobe of mesoscutum
    cranial scrobe of the pronotum
    cranio-antennal muscle
    cranio-lacinial muscle
    cranio-pharyngeal plate muscle
    crenulate ring of the metasoma
    cross vein
    cubital fold
    cubital setal line
    cubital vein
    cubital vein of fore wing
    cubitus alae anterioris
    cubitus anticus
    cubitus suturalis
    cup-shaped apodeme of metabasalare
    cup-shaped socket on pleuron
    cupping disk
    cupulo-gonostyle-volsella complex
    cupulo-gonostyle/volsella complex muscle
    cuspis volsellaris
    cuticular evagination
    cuticular invagination
    deferent duct
    dentate process
    depressor of the antennal flagellum
    depressor of the fore tarsus
    depressor of the hind tarsus
    depressor of the middle tarsus
    depressor of the shaft of the sting
    der Hinterleib
    dernier anneau
    diagonal petiolar length
    diameter of propodeal spiracle
    dicondylic joint
    digestive system
    digital spine
    digital tooth
    digitus volsellaris
    dilator muscle apodeme
    dilator muscle of the 2nd abdominal spiracle
    dilator muscle of the 3rd abdominal spiracle
    dilator muscle of the 4th abdominal spiracle
    dilator muscle of the 5th abdominal spiracle
    dilator muscle of the 6th abdominal spiracle
    dilator muscle of the 7th abdominal spiracle
    dilator muscle of the 8th abdominal spiracle
    dilator of the propodeal spiracle
    dilator of the propodeal spiracle muscle
    dilator of the salivary syringe
    dilator of the spiracle of abdominal segment II
    dilator of the spiracle of abdominal segment VI
    dilator of the spiracle of abdominal segment VII
    dilator of the spiracle of abdominal segment VIII
    dilator of the spiracles of abdominal segment III
    dilators of the spiracles of abdominal segment V
    dilators of the suctorium
    disc of mesoscutellum
    discoidal vein
    discrimenal lamella
    distal area of the second valvifer
    distal cardinal cavity
    distal clypeal line
    distal crenulate carina
    distal fossa of the tarsomere
    distal glossal edge
    distal gonostipo-harpal muscle
    distal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle
    distal gonostyle/volsella complex-harpal muscle
    distal hamulus
    distal hypopharyngeal invagination
    distal hypopharyngeal sclerite
    distal hypopharynx
    Distal lateral projection of cardo
    distal lobe of the lateral flange of the principal carina of the stipes
    distal mesal lobe
    Distal mesal projection of cardo
    distal metatibial spur
    distal notch of the dorsal valve
    distal premental shield
    distal projection of the parossiculus
    distal projection of the penisvalva
    distal rim of clypeus
    distal segment of gonopod
    distal tarsal plantula
    distal vertical conjunctiva of the second valvifer-third valvula complex
    distivolsellar apodeme
    distodorsal gonostipo-penisvalval muscle
    distodorsal gonostyle/volsella complex-penisvalval muscle
    distodorsal submedian notch of gonostyle/volsella complex
    distolateral galeal sclerite
    distolateral galeal setiferous patch
    distolateral premental incision
    distolateral projection of the harpe
    distomedial stipital flange
    distoventral gonostipo-penisvalval muscle
    distoventral gonostyle/volsella complex-penisvalval muscle
    distoventral submedian corner of the cupula
    dorsal 2nd valvifer-venom gland reservoir muscle
    dorsal aperture of the phallobase
    dorsal apodeme of penisvalva
    dorsal area of the metapectal-propodeal complex
    dorsal area of the metapectus
    dorsal axillar area
    dorsal axillar surface
    dorsal carina
    dorsal carina of petiole
    dorsal cibarial dilatator muscle
    dorsal epomial carina
    dorsal expansion of gonobase
    dorsal flange of the second valvifer
    dorsal head line
    dorsal head width
    dorsal incision of the pronotum
    dorsal incision of the propleuron
    dorsal intertergal retractor
    dorsal lamina
    dorsal length of mesoscutum
    dorsal length of pronotum
    dorsal length of propodeum
    dorsal lobe
    dorsal mesofurco-profurcal
    dorsal mesofurco-profurcal muscle
    dorsal mesometapleural carina
    dorsal mesopleural inflection
    dorsal mesopostnotal flange
    dorsal mesopostnotal incision
    dorsal metafurcal lamella
    dorsal metapleural area
    dorsal metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing
    dorsal metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing muscle
    dorsal ocellus
    dorsal petiolar carina
    dorsal petiolar profile
    dorsal petiolar profile contour line
    dorsal petiolar scrobe
    dorsal pharyngeal dilatator
    dorsal plate
    dorsal posterior corner of pronotum
    dorsal premental adductor
    dorsal premento-salivarial muscle
    dorsal prepectal inflection
    dorsal profurcal lamella
    dorsal profurco-postoccipital
    dorsal profurco-postoccipital muscle
    dorsal profurco-procoxal
    dorsal profurco-procoxal muscle
    dorsal projection of the second valvifer
    dorsal pronotal area
    dorsal pronotal corner
    dorsal pronotal inflection
    dorsal pronoto-procoxal
    dorsal pronoto-procoxal muscle
    dorsal pronotum
    dorsal propleural area
    dorsal propleural ridge
    dorsal propodeal inflection
    dorsal ramus of the first valvula
    dorsal ramus of the second valvula
    dorsal rim of pronotal plate
    dorsal rod
    dorsal salivarial dilatator
    dorsal salivarial wall
    dorsal sclerite of the first valvifer
    dorsal submedian impression of cupula
    dorsal surface of scutellum
    dorsal surface of the mesoscutellum
    dorsal T8-T9 muscle
    dorsal T9-second valvifer muscle
    dorsal tendon attachment
    dorsal tentorial arm
    dorsal tooth
    dorsal tooth of mandible
    dorsal valve
    dorsalmost digital spine
    dorso-pleural line
    dorsolateral cupulo-gonostipal muscle
    dorsolateral cupulo-gonostyle/volsella complex muscle
    dorsolateral setal patch of propodeum
    dorsomedial cupulo-gonostipal muscle
    dorsomedial cupulo-gonostyle/volsella complex muscle
    dorsomedian apodeme of the aedeagus
    dorsomedian area of the mesoscutellar-axillar complex
    dorsomedian conjunctiva of the gonostyle-volsella complex
    dorsomedian conjunctiva of the gonostyle/volsella complex
    dorsoventral groove of face
    ductus ejaculatorius
    Dufour's gland
    Dufour's gland duct
    ecaile anale
    ecaile laterale
    écaille anale
    écaille chitineuse
    écaille du gorgeret
    écaille du stylet
    écaille latérale
    egg canal
    eighth abdominal segment
    eighth abdominal sternite
    eighth abdominal sternum
    eighth abdominal tergite
    eighth abdominal tergum
    eighth flagellomere
    eighth gastral segment
    eighth gastral tergite
    eighth gastral tergum
    ejaculatory duct
    ejaculatory opening
    eleventh flagellomere
    elongate placoid sensillum
    encircling groove
    endophragmal pit
    epicnemial carina
    epicnemial pit
    epicoxal lobe
    epicoxal sulcus
    epicranial suture
    epidermal cell
    epimalar sulcus
    epimental sclerite
    epimeral notch
    epimeral sclerite
    epimeron mesothoracale
    epimeron of mesopleuron
    epipharyngeal brush
    epipharyngeal lobe
    epipharyngeal muscle
    epipharyngeal wall
    episternal foveae
    episternal scrobe
    episternum laterale
    episternum mesothoracale
    epistomal carina
    epistomal declivity
    epistomal distance
    epistomal groove
    epistomal line
    epistomal margin
    epistomal opening
    epistomal ridge
    epistomal sulcus
    epistomal suture
    epithelial cell
    epitorular pit
    epomial carina
    excitable cell
    extensor of the fore tibia
    extensor of the hind tibia
    extensor of the maxilla
    extensor of the middle tibia
    exterior palp
    external area of the scape
    external dorsal muscle of abdominal segment II
    external dorsal muscle of abdominal segment VII
    external dorsal muscles of abdominal segment III
    external dorsal muscles of abdominal segment IV
    external dorsal muscles of abdominal segment V
    external dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VI
    external dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VII
    external dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    external female genitalia
    external lobe of galea
    external male genitalia
    external margin of the mandible
    external paramera
    external ventral muscle of abdominal segment
    external ventral muscles of abdominal segment III
    external ventral muscles of abdominal segment IV
    external ventral muscles of abdominal segment V
    external ventral muscles of abdominal segment VI
    external ventral muscles of abdominal segment VII
    external ventral muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    extraembryonic structure
    extrinsic muscle of the antenna
    extrinsic palpal muscle
    eye height
    eye margin
    eye-torulus distance
    facetted eye
    facial apodeme
    facial area of the scape
    facial fovea
    facial impression
    facial midridge
    facial orbit
    facial pit
    facial process
    facial striae
    facial sulcus
    facial triangle
    faciale interoculaire
    fat body
    felt field
    felt line
    felt-like ring
    female genitalia
    female organism
    female S7
    female T8
    female T9
    femoral articular process of the mesotrochanter
    femoral articular process of the metatrochanter
    femoral articular process of the protrochanter
    femoral condyle of the mesotrochanter
    femoral condyle of the protibia
    femoral condyle of the protrochanter
    femoral condyle of the tibia
    femoral depression
    femoral fossa of the metatrochanter
    femoral groove
    femoro-tibial joint
    femur anterius
    femur mediale
    femur mesothoracale
    femur metathoracale
    femur pedis anteriores
    femur pedis medialis
    femur pedis posterioris
    femur posterius
    femur prothoracale
    fenestra profurcae
    fenestra tentorii posterioris
    fibula ducti
    fifth abdominal segment
    fifth abdominal sternite
    fifth abdominal sternum
    fifth abdominal tergite
    fifth abdominal tergum
    fifth flagellomere
    fifth gastral segment
    fifth gastral tergite
    fifth metasomal segment
    fifth sclerite of the maxillary palp
    fifth tarsomere
    fifth tarsomere of fore leg
    fifth tarsomere of hind leg
    fifth tarsomere of mid leg
    filum spinosum
    fine comb
    first abdominal segment
    first abdominal spiracle
    first abdominal tergal spiracle muscle
    first abdominal tergite
    first abscissa of Radial Sector (RS1) setal line
    first anal
    first and second lateral muscles of abdominal segment VII
    first antennomere
    first axillary
    first axillary sclerite
    first axillary sclerite of the fore wing
    first axillary sclerite of the hind wing
    first branch of cubital vein (CU1) setal line
    first coxa
    first femur
    first flagellomere
    first ganglion
    first gastral segment
    first gastral sternite
    first gastral tergite
    first gonapophysis
    first intrinsic muscle of the labial palp
    first intrinsic muscle of the maxillary palp
    first lateral muscles of abdominal segment III
    first lateral muscles of abdominal segment IV
    first lateral muscles of abdominal segment V
    first lateral muscles of abdominal segment VI
    first lateral muscles of abdominal segment VII
    first lateral muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    first leg
    first maxilla
    first median plate
    first mesopleuro-mesonotal
    first mesopleuro-mesonotal muscle
    first mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing
    first mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing muscle
    first metasomal segment
    first metasomal sternite
    first metasomal tergite
    first metasomal tergum
    first phragma
    first phragmo-postoccipital muscle
    first phragmo-propleural muscle
    first phragmo-second phragmal muscle
    first protractor of the maxilla
    first proximal gonostipo-harpal muscle
    first sclerite of the labial palp
    first sclerite of the maxillary palp
    first subdiscal
    first tarsomere
    first tarsomere of fore leg
    first tarsomere of foreleg
    first tarsomere of hind leg
    first tarsomere of mid leg
    first tergite
    first thoracic spiracle
    first trochanter
    first valvifer
    first valvifer-first valvula complex
    first valvifer-genital membrane muscle
    first valvifer-second valvifer muscle
    first valviferal fossa of the ninth tergite
    first valviferal fossa of the second valvifer
    first valvula
    flagellar scrobe of scape
    flagellar segment
    flagellar subdivision
    flagellomere 14
    flexor apodeme
    flexor muscle of the galea
    flexor of the fore tibia
    flexor of the galea
    flexor of the glossa, retractor of the tongue
    flexor of the hind tibia
    flexor of the labial palpus
    flexor of the lacinia
    flexor of the maxillary palpus
    flexor of the middle tibia
    flexor of the pretarsal claws
    flexor of the pretarsal claws of the fore leg
    flexor of the pretarsal claws of the hind leg
    flexor of the pretarsal claws of the middle leg
    flexor of the stipes
    follicle cell
    foramen antennale
    foramen cephalicum
    foramen genitale
    foramen gnathale
    foramen magnum
    foramen magnum capitis
    foramen mesocoxale
    foramen metacoxale
    foramen occipitale
    foramen posterior
    foramen procoxale
    forcipes exteriores
    forcipes intermediae
    fore basitarsus
    fore coxa
    fore coxal pan
    fore femur
    fore leg
    fore ocellus
    fore pterostigma
    fore tarsus
    fore telotarsus
    fore tibia
    fore trochanter
    fore wing
    fore wing base
    fore wing blade
    fore wing tegula
    fore wing third axillary muscle
    fore wing vein
    fore wing venation
    foreleg length
    foretarsal rake
    foretibial spur
    forewing venation
    fosette scrobale
    fossa mesopleuralis
    fossa of the proboscis
    fossa subalaris
    fossa tentorii posterior
    fossette frontale
    fourth abdominal segment
    fourth abdominal sternite
    fourth abdominal sternum
    fourth abdominal tergite
    fourth abdominal tergum
    fourth flagellomere
    fourth gastral segment
    fourth gastral sternite
    fourth gastral tergite
    fourth intrinsic muscle of the maxillary palp
    fourth metasomal segment
    fourth metasomal tergite
    fourth metasomal tergum
    fourth sclerite of the maxillary palp
    fourth tarsomere
    fourth tarsomere of fore leg
    fourth tarsomere of hind leg
    fourth tarsomere of mid leg
    fourth tarsomere of the fore leg
    fovea clypealis
    fovea prosternalis
    fovea tentorialis anterior
    fovea tentorialis posterior
    fovea tentorii anterior
    foveal septum
    foveole métanotale
    fragmental articulation
    freier Endlappen
    frenal area
    frenal arm
    frenal carina
    frenal gutter
    frenal hook
    frenal line
    frenal sulcus
    front ocellus
    front wing
    frontal area
    frontal carina
    frontal carina line
    frontal depression
    frontal fork
    frontal ganglion
    frontal ganglion connective
    frontal groove
    frontal impression
    frontal ledge
    frontal line
    frontal lobe
    frontal orbit
    frontal patch
    frontal pit
    frontal process
    frontal scrobe
    frontal sulcus
    frontal suture
    frontal trabecula
    frontal triangle
    fronto-clypeal carina
    fronto-clypeal complex
    fronto-clypeal groove
    fronto-clypeal sulcus
    fronto-clypeal suture
    fronto-pharyngeal muscle
    fronto-sitophoral muscle
    frontoclypeal sulcus
    frontoclypeal suture
    frontofacial ridge
    frontofacial sulcus
    frontogenal suture
    fulcral plate
    functional mouth
    funicle segment
    funicular segment
    funiculus of antenna
    furcal arm
    furcal base
    furcal pit
    furcal plate
    furcal-basalare muscle
    gaines de l'aiguillon
    galeal brush
    galeal comb
    galeal crown
    galeal fringe
    galeal lamina
    galeal lobe
    galeal midrib
    galeal pecten
    galeal pectin
    galeo-lacinial complex
    gastral fold
    gastral scrobe
    gastral spiracles
    gastral sternum
    gastral tail
    gastral tergite
    gastral tergum
    gastral tergum I
    gastral tergum II
    gena contour line
    genal area
    genal bridge
    genal carina
    genal hollow
    genal margin
    genal patch
    genal pilosity
    genal process
    genal space
    genal spine
    genal sulcus
    genal suture
    genital apparatus
    genital appendage
    genital armature
    genital capsule
    genital foramen
    genital membrane
    genital organ
    genital plate
    genital segment
    genuflexor apodeme
    genuflexor plate
    genuflexor plate of the fore leg
    genuflexor plate of the hind leg
    genuflexor plate of the mid leg
    germ cell
    girdling constriction
    glandula mucosa
    glandular release pit of the scutellum
    glial cell
    glossal annulus
    glossal basis
    glossal flexor
    glossal retractor
    glossal styloconic sensillum
    Gonapophysis 8 retractor
    gonapophysis IX male
    gonochoristic organism
    gonocoxite 9
    gonocoxite IX
    Gonopoden des 9 Segmentes
    gonossiculal muscle
    gonossiculo-phallotremal muscle
    gonostipes-volsella complex
    gonostipes/volsella complex
    gonostipital arm
    gonostipo-volsellal muscle
    gonostyle-volsella complex
    gonostyle-volsella complex-harpal muscle
    gonostyle/volsella complex
    gonostyle/volsella complex-gonossiculus articulation
    gonostyle/volsella complex-gonossiculus muscle
    gonostyle/volsella complex-harpal muscle
    gonostyle/volsella complex-parossiculal muscle
    gonostyle/volsella complex-penisvalval muscle
    gonostyle/volsella complex-volsellal muscle
    gouttiere lamellaire
    gular pit
    gular ridge
    gular sulcus
    gustatory papilla
    gustatory papillae
    hair length
    hair line
    hair patch
    hair sensillum
    hairless streak
    hairlike sensillum
    hairy lobe
    hairy ring of T3
    hairy ring of the metasoma
    harpe length
    harpe width
    harpo-gonomaculal muscle
    head capsule
    head height
    head length
    head muscle
    head width
    head+mesosoma length
    Heitler's lump
    hermaphroditic organism
    hind basitarsus
    hind coxa
    hind coxal pan
    hind femur
    hind leg
    hind ocellus
    hind tarsomere
    hind tarsomere 1
    hind tarsus
    hind telotarsus
    hind tibia
    hind tibial spur
    hind trochantellus
    hind trochanter
    hind wing
    hind wing base
    hind wing tegula
    hind wing third axillary muscle
    hintere gonapophysen
    hintere platten
    horizontal apodeme of episternum
    horizontal plate
    horizontal plate of mesofurca
    horizontal plate of the mesosternal apophysis
    horn of T1
    horny ring
    humeral angle
    humeral complex
    humeral complex of the fore wing
    humeral plate
    humeral plate of the forewing
    humeral sclerite
    humeral sclerite of the metanotum
    humeral sulcus
    humeral suture
    humeral tubercles
    hyaline break
    hyperoccipital carina
    hypoclypeal depression
    hypopharyngeal button
    hypopharyngeal lobe
    hypopharyngeal muscle
    hypopharyngeal pecten
    hypopharyngeal plate
    hypopharyngeal rod
    hypopharyngeal wall
    hypopygeal median stalk
    hypopygial valves
    hypostomal bridge
    hypostomal carina
    hypostomal cavity
    hypostomal line
    hypostomal sulcus
    hypostomal suture
    hypostomal tooth
    immaterial anatomical entity
    inferior pronotal spine
    inferior wing
    infrabuccal pouch
    Innenlappen der Lacinia
    inner cardinal process
    inner cardinal thickening
    inner comb
    inner face
    inner lobe of the lacinia
    inner male genitalia
    inner margin of compound eye
    inner or dorsal arm of the stipes
    inner orbit
    inner paramere
    inner plate
    inner plate of ovipositor
    inner process of mesopostphragma
    inner spur
    innere Haltezange
    integrated tarsal plantula
    integumentary evagination
    interantennal area
    interantennal crest
    interantennal flange
    interantennal process
    interantennal prominence
    interarticular ridge of the first valvifer
    interaxillar sulcus
    intercardinal area
    intercardinal postmentum
    intercardinal sclerite
    intercoxal space
    interior palp
    Interlock of the 1st valvulae
    intermalar distance
    intermediate leg
    internal male genitalia
    internal margin of the mandible
    internal median longitudinal scutoscutellar ridge
    internal metanotal ridge
    internal paramera
    internal protrusion
    internal septum
    internal sheaths
    interocellar area
    interocellar distance
    interocellar pit
    interocellar space
    interocular distance
    interocular separation
    interocular space
    interommatidial seta
    interorbital distance
    interorbital plane
    interorbital space
    interpenisvalval muscle
    interscrobal surface
    intersegmental membrane
    intersegmental membrane-mesobasalar muscle
    intersegmental sternotergal muscle of abdominal segment VII
    interstipital area
    interstipital postmentum
    interstipital sclerite
    intertarsomeral joint
    intertegular distance
    intertergal extensor muscle
    intertergal suture
    intertorular area
    intertorular carina
    intertorular distance
    intervalvifer articulation
    intervolsellal muscle
    intervolsellar bridge
    intervolsellar process
    intragonostyle muscle
    intravalvifer articulation
    intrinsic labial palp muscle
    intrinsic leg muscle
    intrinsic maxillary palp muscle
    intrinsic muscle of the 9th sternum
    intrinsic muscle of the gonostipes
    intrinsic muscle of the harpe
    intrinsic muscle of the mesopleuron
    intrinsic muscle of the metapleuron
    intrinsic muscle of the propleuron
    intrinsic palpal muscle
    intromittent organ
    invagination for the occlusor muscle apodeme
    jugal lobe
    jugal region
    juxtantennal carina
    kenyon cell
    labial endite
    labial gland
    labial muscle
    labial nerve
    labial palp
    labial palpal excision
    labial palpal sclerite
    labial palpomere
    labial palpus
    labial portion of the hypopharynx
    labial suture
    labio-hypopharyngeal lobe
    labio-maxillary complex
    labio-maxillary jugum
    labiomaxillary complex
    labium superius
    labral apodeme
    labral compressor
    labral digit
    labral digits
    labral muscle
    labral nerve
    labral sclerite
    labral seta
    labral tractor
    labro-epipharyngeal muscle
    labrum superius
    lacinial bar
    lacinial base
    lacinial comb
    lacinial lever
    lacinial lobe
    lacinial pivot
    lame basialire
    lame de l'aiguillon
    lamella basalis superior
    lamina aedeagales
    lamina aedeagalis
    lamina annularis
    lamina axillaris apicalis
    lamina axillaris basalis
    lamina axillaris medialis
    lamina medioaxillaris
    lamina mesepisternalis anterior
    lamina mesepisternalis superior
    lamina ocellaris
    lamina parameralis
    lamina subgenitalis
    lamina volsellaris
    laminated bridge
    lamine esterne
    large disc sensilla
    large volcano sensilla
    larval abdomen
    larval head
    larval pygopod
    larval tagma
    larval thorax
    lateral 9th sterno-cupulal muscle
    lateral antecostal projection
    lateral apodeme
    lateral area of the mesoscutum
    lateral articular process
    lateral axillar area
    lateral axillar surface
    lateral bar
    lateral bar of the mesoscutellum
    lateral basisternal projection
    lateral cardinal cavity
    lateral carina of abdominal tergite 3
    lateral carina of clypeus
    lateral carina of T1
    lateral carina of the gastral scrobe
    lateral clypeal lobe
    lateral clypeal seta
    lateral coxal articular process of the mesopleuron
    lateral coxal articular process of the metapleuron
    lateral coxal articular process of the propleuron
    lateral coxal condyle of the mesopleuron
    lateral coxal condyle of the metapleuron
    lateral coxal condyle of the pleuron
    lateral coxal condyle of the propleuron
    lateral epomia
    lateral eye height
    lateral flag of the anterior tentorial arm
    lateral flange of the principal carina of the stipes
    lateral fovea
    lateral frontal septum
    lateral galeal crease
    lateral galeal sclerite
    lateral gonostipo-penis valval muscle
    lateral gonostyle/volsella complex-penisvalval muscle
    lateral gonostyle/volsella complex-volsella muscle
    lateral head length
    lateral incision of metanoum
    lateral internal dorsal muscle of abdominal segment II
    lateral internal dorsal muscle of abdominal segment VII
    lateral internal dorsal muscle of abdominal segment VIII
    lateral internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment III
    lateral internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment IV
    lateral internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment V
    lateral internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VI
    lateral internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VII
    lateral internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    lateral internal ventral muscle of abdominal segment II
    lateral internal ventral muscle of abdominal segment VII
    lateral internal ventral muscle of abdominal segment VIII
    lateral internal ventral muscles of abdominal segments III
    lateral internal ventral muscles of abdominal segments IV
    lateral internal ventral muscles of abdominal segments V
    lateral internal ventral muscles of abdominal segments VI
    lateral internal ventral muscles of abdominal segments VII
    lateral internal ventral muscles of abdominal segments VIII
    lateral intertergal retractor muscle
    lateral intrinsic muscle of the volsella
    lateral lobe
    lateral lobe of clypeus
    lateral lobe of mesoscutum
    lateral lobe of secondary phragma
    lateral longitudinal carina
    lateral longitudinal carina of propodeum
    lateral longitudinal carina on metanotum
    lateral longitudinal metepisternal carina
    lateral longitudinal suture
    lateral margin of mesoscutum
    lateral mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral muscle
    lateral mesofemoro-mesotibial muscle
    lateral mesofurcal arm
    lateral mesofurco-mesotrochanteral
    lateral mesofurco-mesotrochanteral muscle
    lateral mesofurco-metafurcal
    lateral mesofurco-metafurcal muscle
    lateral mesonotal lobe
    lateral mesophragmo-metaphragmal
    lateral mesophragmo-metaphragmal muscle
    lateral mesopleuro-mesocoxal articulation
    lateral mesoscutal lobe
    lateral mesoscutellar spine
    lateral mesosoma length
    lateral metafemoro-metatibial muscle
    lateral metafurco-metacoxal
    lateral metafurco-metacoxal muscle
    lateral metapleuro-metabasalar
    lateral metapleuro-metabasalar muscle
    lateral metapleuro-metacoxal
    lateral metapleuro-metacoxal articulation
    lateral metapleuro-metacoxal muscle
    lateral metapleuro-metanotal muscle
    lateral metapleuro-second abdominal sternal
    lateral metapleuro-second abdominal sternal muscle
    lateral metatrochantero-metafemoral articulation
    lateral metepisternal projection
    lateral muscle of abdominal segment II
    lateral muscle of abdominal segment VIII
    lateral neck plate
    lateral occipital carina
    lateral ocellar distance
    lateral ocellar length
    lateral ocellar line
    lateral ocellus
    lateral panel of axilla
    lateral panel of metanotum
    lateral panel of pronotum
    lateral pectal fossa of the coxa
    lateral pectal fossa of the mesocoxa
    lateral pectal fossa of the metacoxa
    lateral pectal fossa of the procoxa
    lateral penisvalvo-gonossiculal muscle
    lateral petiolar carina
    lateral portion of clypeus
    lateral premental face
    lateral profemoro-protibial muscle
    lateral profurco-procoxal muscle
    lateral projection
    lateral pronotal area
    lateral pronotal carina
    lateral pronoto-prophragmal
    lateral pronoto-prophragmal muscle
    lateral propleural area
    lateral propleuro-postoccipital
    lateral propleuro-postoccipital muscle
    lateral propleuro-procoxal articulation
    lateral propodeal area
    lateral propodeal carina
    lateral propodeal projection
    lateral ridges on T2
    lateral S9-cupulal muscle
    lateral scapo-pedicellar muscle
    lateral scutal lines
    lateral scutellar keel
    lateral scutellar pit
    lateral shoulder
    lateral stipital wall
    lateral suspensor of the mouth
    lateral T8-T9 muscle
    lateral T9-second valvifer muscle
    lateral tentorio-scapal muscle
    lateral tubercle
    lateral wing of metanotum
    latero-proximal stipital process
    lateroaxillar area
    laterocervical muscle
    laterocervico-procoxal muscle
    laterodistal cardinal ridge
    laterodorsal projection of mesoscutellum
    lateropal apophysis
    laterosternal sclerite
    laterosternite 10
    laterosternite 2
    laterosternite 3
    laterosternite 4
    laterosternite 5
    laterosternite 6
    laterosternite 7
    laterosternite 8
    laterosternite 9
    laterotergite of petiole
    lateroventral carina of mesopectus
    lateroventral carina of the petiole
    lateroventral mesopleural carina
    Latreille's segment
    least interocular distance
    least ocellar length
    leather-like microsculpture
    leg muscle
    leg segment
    length of 1st flagellomere
    length of anterior area of second valvifer
    length of basal tergite
    length of dorsal projection
    length of female T9
    length of hypopygium
    length of malar sulcus
    length of mesoscutellar-axillar complex
    length of metanotum
    length of petiolar node
    length of T1
    letzte bauchschuppe
    levator of the antennal flagellum
    levator of the hind tarsus
    levator of the shaft of the sting
    ligular arm
    ligular arm kink
    ligular arms
    limb segment
    line of frons
    line of separation
    linea calva
    linea frontalis
    linear groove
    linear impression
    linear median streak
    linear sensillum
    lobe at the base of the tarsal claws
    lobi parapenialis
    longitudinal carina anteriorly on S2
    longitudinal carina of clypeus
    longitudinal carina of propleuron
    longitudinal carina of the propleuron
    longitudinal groove
    longitudinal impressed line
    longitudinal line of bending
    longitudinal line of the dorsal profurcal lamella
    longitudinal median clypeal carina
    longitudinal metacoxal carina
    longitudinal muscle
    longitudinal muscle of the sucking pump
    longitudinal ridge on the posterior surface of metatibia
    longitudinal scutellar carina
    longitudinal sensillum
    longitudinal sulci on ventral head sclerotization
    longitudinal vein
    loral apron
    loral arm
    loral fossa of cardo
    lower face
    lower mesepimeron
    lower mesepisternum
    Lower mesopleural fovea
    lower tooth
    lower valve boss
    lunule préoccipitale
    M. craniocardinalis externus
    M. craniolacinialis
    M. craniomandibularis externus
    M. craniomandibularis internus
    M. hypopharyngo-mandibularis
    M. palpopalpalis maxillae primus
    M. palpopalpalis maxillae quartus
    M. palpopalpalis maxillae secundus
    M. palpopalpalis maxillae tertius
    M. scapopedicellaris lateralis
    M. scapopedicellaris medialis
    M. stipitogalealis
    M. stipitolacinialis
    M. stipitopalpalis externus
    M. stipitopalpalis internus
    M. submentopraementalis
    M. tentoriocardinalis
    M. tentorioscapalis anterior
    M. tentorioscapalis lateralis
    M. tentorioscapalis medialis
    M. tentorioscapalis posterior
    M. tentoriostipitalis
    M1 seta
    M2 seta
    M2b seta
    M3 seta
    M4 seta
    M5 seta
    M6 seta
    malar area
    malar carina
    malar depression
    malar distance
    malar groove
    malar keel
    malar line
    malar region
    malar ridge
    malar space
    malar striae
    malar sulcus
    male copulatory organ
    male genitalia
    male genitalia muscle
    male organism
    malpighian tubule
    mandibular acetabulum
    mandibular adductor muscle apodeme
    mandibular appendage
    mandibular carina
    mandibular condyle
    mandibular dentition
    mandibular ginglymus
    mandibular gland
    mandibular lancea
    mandibular muscle
    mandibular nerve
    mandibular rod
    mandibular teeth
    mandibular tooth
    marginal apodeme
    marginal cilia
    marginal fringe of the stipes
    marginal pronotal sulcus
    marginal rim of scutellum
    marginal setae
    marginal vein
    margo anticus
    masticatory margin
    material anatomical entity
    maxilla prima
    maxillar muscle
    maxillary comb
    maxillary gland
    maxillary nerve
    maxillary palp
    maxillary palpal sclerite
    maxillary palpal socket
    maxillary palpomere
    maxillary palpus
    maxillary process of the hypostoma
    maxillo-labial apparatus
    maxillo-labial complex
    maximum cephalic length in median line
    maximum diameter
    maximum diameter of compound eye
    maximum diameter of the compound eye
    maximum height
    maximum height of petiolar node
    maximum length of mesoscutum
    maximum petiole height
    maximum spine distance
    Maximum spiracle distance of propodeum
    maximum width
    Mayrian furrows
    mechanosensory hair
    media alae anterioris
    Medial 2nd valvifer-2nd valvula muscle
    medial apodeme
    medial apodeme of female S7
    medial conjunctiva of the first valvula
    medial coxal articular process of the mesopectus
    medial coxal articular process of the metapectus
    medial coxal condyle of the mesopectus
    medial coxal condyle of the metapectus
    medial coxal condyle of the pectus
    medial cross vein
    medial dististipital process
    medial intrinsic muscle of the volsella
    medial lobe of mesoscutum
    medial longitudinal groove
    medial mesofemoro-mesotibial muscle
    medial mesopecto-mesocoxal articulation
    medial metafemoro-metatibial muscle
    medial metapecto-metacoxal articulation
    medial ocellus
    medial pectal fossa of the coxa
    medial pectal fossa of the mesocoxa
    medial pectal fossa of the metacoxa
    medial penisvalvo-gonossiculal muscle
    medial profemoro-protibial muscle
    medial propodeal furrow
    Medial ridge of the 2nd valvifer
    medial S9-cupulal muscle
    medial stipital groove
    medial stipital wall
    medial tooth
    medial tooth of the mandible
    medial two
    medial vein
    median (M) setal line
    median anatomical line
    median antecostal projection
    median area of the mesoscutum
    median basal stalk
    median bridge of the second valvifers
    median cardinal cavity
    median carina
    median carina of clypeus
    median carina of lower face
    median clypeal carina
    median clypeal lobe
    median clypeal notch
    median clypeal notch depth
    median complex
    median conjunctiva of abdominal tergum 9
    median conjunctiva of cardines
    median conjunctiva of the anterior glossal plate
    median coxa
    median dorsal muscle of abdominal segment IX in the male
    median facial keel
    median flange of occipital carina
    median fold
    median frontal septum
    median gonostyle/volsella complex-volsella muscle
    median groove
    median hypopygeal stalk
    median internal dorsal muscle of abdominal segment VII
    median internal dorsal muscle of abdominal segment VIII
    median internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment III
    median internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment IV
    median internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment V
    median internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VI
    median internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VII
    median internal dorsal muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    median internal ventral muscle of abdominal segment II
    median internal ventral muscle of abdominal segment VII
    median internal ventral muscles of abdominal segment III
    median internal ventral muscles of abdominal segment IV
    median internal ventral muscles of abdominal segment V
    median internal ventral muscles of abdominal segment VI
    median internal ventral muscles of abdominal segment VII
    median internal ventral muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    median keel of face
    median lobe
    median lobe of clypeus
    median longitudinal carina
    median longitudinal carina of first metasomal sternum
    median longitudinal carina of the metasomal tergum
    median longitudinal carinae of propodeum
    median longitudinal clypeal carina
    median longitudinal furrow of mesoscutellum
    median longitudinal groove
    median longitudinal keel
    median longitudinal metepisternal carina
    median longitudinal sulcus
    median mesocoxal articulation
    median mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral muscle
    median mesofurco-mesotrochanteral
    median mesofurco-mesotrochanteral muscle
    median mesofurco-metafurcal
    median mesofurco-metafurcal muscle
    median mesonotal lobe
    median mesophragmo-metaphragmal
    median mesophragmo-metaphragmal muscle
    median mesoscutal carina
    median mesoscutal impression
    median mesoscutal keel
    median mesoscutal line
    median mesoscutal lobe
    median mesoscutal sulcus
    median metacoxo-metatrochanteral muscle
    median metafurco-metacoxal
    median metafurco-metacoxal muscle
    median metanotal notch
    median metapleuro-metacoxal
    median metapleuro-metacoxal muscle
    median metapleuro-metanotal
    median metapleuro-metanotal muscle
    median metatrochantero-metafemoral articulation
    median oblique line
    median ocellus
    median plate
    median postgenal suture
    median postmental ridge
    median process of tentorial bridge
    median procoxo-protrochanteral muscle
    median profurco-procoxal
    median profurco-procoxal muscle
    median pronotal line
    median pronoto-procoxal muscle
    median pronoto-prophragmal
    median pronoto-prophragmal muscle
    median propleuro-postoccipital
    median propleuro-postoccipital muscle
    median propodeal carina
    median propodeal keel
    median propodeal tooth
    median scapo-pedicellar muscle
    median sclerotized style
    median segment
    median septum of scutellum
    median stalk
    median stalk of hypopygium
    median sternal groove
    median sulcus of postgenal bridge
    median sulcus of the postgenal bridge
    median tentorio-scapal muscle
    median vein of fore wing
    median vein track
    median ventral lamina
    median ventral projection
    mediary segment
    medio-axillary sclerite
    medio-lateral ocellar distance
    medio-posterior mesoscutal depression
    medio-ventral concavity of T6
    mediodistal cardinal ridge
    mediolateral 9th sterno-cupulal muscle
    mediolateral S9-cupulal muscle
    mediolongitudinal flexion line
    mediosternite 10
    mediosternite 2
    mediosternite 3
    mediosternite 4
    mediosternite 5
    mediosternite 6
    mediosternite 7
    mediosternite 8
    mediosternite 9
    mediotergite of petiole
    medioventral conjunctiva of the gonostyle/volsella complex
    Membranous region anterior to each mesocoxa
    mental extension
    mesal membrane of the anterior tentorial arm
    mesepimeral flange
    mesepimeral inflection
    mesepimeral lobe
    mesepimeral ridge
    mesepimeral sulcus
    mesepimeral suture
    mesepisternal groove
    mesepisternal shelf
    mesobasalar muscle
    mesocoxal acetabulum
    mesocoxal cavity
    mesocoxal condyle
    mesocoxal depression
    mesocoxal foramen
    mesocoxal muscle
    mesocoxal process
    mesocoxo-mesobasalar muscle
    mesocoxo-mesosubalar muscle
    mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral joint
    mesodiscrimenal lamella
    mesodiscrimenal line
    mesofemoral depression
    mesofemoro-mesotibial joint
    mesofemoro-pretarsus of the mesotarsus muscle
    mesofurcal arm
    mesofurcal bridge
    mesofurcal invagination
    mesofurcal muscle
    mesofurcal pit
    mesofurcal ring
    mesofurco-mesocoxal muscle
    mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal muscle
    mesofurco-metabasalar muscle
    mesofurco-metafurcal muscle
    mesofurco-profurcal muscle
    mesofurco-propleural arm
    mesofurco-propleural arm muscle
    mesolaterophragmal apodeme
    mesolaterophragmal muscle
    mesolaterophragmo-hind wing base
    mesolaterophragmo-hind wing base muscle
    mesolaterophragmo-mesobasalar muscle
    mesolaterophragmo-metabasalar muscle
    mesometapleural sulcus
    mesometapleural suture
    mesonotal fossa of the pronotum
    mesonotal muscle
    mesonoto-mesobasalar muscle
    mesonoto-mesocoxal muscle
    mesonoto-mesolaterophragmal muscle
    mesonoto-mesotrochanteral muscle
    mesonoto-mesotrochantinal muscle
    mesonoto-metanotal muscle
    mesonoto-metanoto-mesopecto-metapecto-propodeal complex
    mesopecto-mesocoxal joint
    mesopectus-pronotum intersegmental membrane
    mesophragmal muscle
    mesophragmo-metaphragmal muscle
    mesopleural apodeme
    mesopleural area of the mesonoto-metanoto-mesopecto-metapecto-propodeal complex
    mesopleural callus
    mesopleural carina
    mesopleural depression
    mesopleural epicoxal sulcus
    mesopleural impression
    mesopleural line
    mesopleural lower fovea
    mesopleural muscle
    mesopleural oblique line

    mesopleural pit
    mesopleural ridge
    mesopleural scrobe
    mesopleural sulcus
    mesopleural suture
    mesopleural triangle
    mesopleuro-anterior thoracic spiracle muscle
    mesopleuro-mesobasalar muscle
    mesopleuro-mesocoxal muscle
    mesopleuro-mesosubalar muscle
    mesopleuro-metanotal muscle
    mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing
    mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing muscle
    mesopleuron length
    mesopostnotal apodeme
    mesoscutal humeral sulcus
    mesoscutal lateral lobe
    mesoscutal midlobe
    mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus
    mesoscutellar apodeme
    mesoscutellar appendage
    mesoscutellar arm
    mesoscutellar comb
    mesoscutellar disc
    mesoscutellar pit
    mesoscutellar trough
    mesoscutellar-axillar complex
    mesoscutello-metanotal muscle
    mesoscuto-scutellar suture
    mesoscutum length
    mesosoma height
    mesosoma length
    mesosoma width
    mesospinasternal apodeme
    mesospinasterno-metafurcal muscle
    mesosternal shelf
    mesosterno-mesocoxal muscle
    mesosterno-procoxal muscle
    mesosubalare muscle
    mesotarsal claw
    mesotarsal pegs
    mesothoracic basalare
    mesothoracic dorsal indirect muscle
    mesothoracic episternum
    mesothoracic interfurcal muscle
    mesothoracic postnotum
    mesothoracic spiracle
    mesothoracic subalare
    mesothoracic venter
    mesotibial apical peg
    mesotibial outer spur
    mesotibial spur
    mesotibio-mesobasitarsal articulation
    mesotibio-mesobasitarsal joint
    mesotibio-pretarsus of mesotarsus muscle
    mesotrochanteral apodeme
    mesotrochanteral muscle
    mesotrochantero-mesobasalar muscle
    mesotrochantero-mesofemoral articulation
    mesotrochantero-mesofemoral joint
    mesotrochantero-mesofemoral muscle
    mesotrochantinal lobe
    mesotrochantinal muscle
    mesotrochantinal plate
    metabasalar apodeme
    metabasalar muscle
    metacoxal cavity
    metacoxal condyle
    metacoxal depression
    metacoxal foramen
    metacoxal muscle
    metacoxal process
    metacoxo-metabasalar muscle
    metacoxo-metasubalar muscle
    metacoxo-metatrochanteral joint
    metadiscrimenal lamella
    metadiscrimenal line
    metafemoral spine
    metafemoro-metatibial joint
    metafemoro-pretarsus of the metatarsus muscle
    metafurcal arm
    metafurcal muscle
    metafurcal pit
    metafurco-metacoxal muscle
    metafurco-metatrochanteral muscle
    metafurco-propodeal muscle
    metafurco-second abdominal sternal
    metafurco-second abdominal sternal muscle
    metalaterophragmal lobe
    metalaterophragmal muscle
    metalaterophragmo-metafurcal muscle
    metanotal depression
    metanotal flange
    metanotal groove
    metanotal muscle
    metanotal pit
    metanotal plate
    metanotal spine
    metanotal trough
    metanotal wing process
    metanotal-propodeal fissure
    metanotal-propodeal sulcus
    metanoto-metabasalar muscle
    metanoto-metacoxal muscle
    metanoto-metalaterophragmal muscle
    metanoto-metapectal-propodeal conjunctiva
    metanoto-metatrochanteral muscle
    metanoto-metatrochantinal muscle
    Metanoto-propodeo-metapecto-mesopectal complex
    metapectal plate
    metapectal-propodeal complex
    metapectal-propodeal rim
    metapecto-metacoxal joint
    metapecto-propodeal conjunctiva
    metaphragmal muscle
    metaphragmo-second abdominal tergal muscle
    metapleural apodeme
    metapleural area of the mesonoto-metanoto-mesopecto-metapecto-propodeal complex
    metapleural arm
    metapleural carina
    metapleural cavity
    metapleural epicoxal carina
    metapleural epicoxal sulcus
    metapleural line
    metapleural muscle
    metapleural pit
    metapleural ridge
    metapleural scrobe
    metapleural sulcus
    metapleural triangle
    metapleural-propodeal suture
    metapleuro-metabasalar muscle
    metapleuro-metanotal muscle
    metapleuro-metasubalar muscle
    metapleuro-metatrochanteral muscle
    metapleuro-propodeal muscle
    metapleuro-third axillary sclerite of hind wing muscle
    metascutellar arm
    metascutellar carina
    metascutellar disc
    metascutellar spine
    metascutellar trough
    metasomal condyle of the propodeum
    metasomal depression
    metasomal foramen
    metasomal segment
    metasomal segment 1
    metasomal segment 2
    metasomal segment 3
    metasomal segment 4
    metasomal segment 7
    metasomal segment 8
    metasomal spiracle
    metasomal sternite IV
    metasomal sternum
    metasomal sternum 8
    metasomal sternum I
    metasomal sternum II
    metasomal sternum IV
    metasomal sternum VI
    metasomal sternum vii
    metasomal sternum viii
    metasomal tergite
    metasomal tergite I
    metasomal tergite II
    metasomal tergite III
    metasomal tergite IV
    metasomal tergum
    metasomal tergum I
    metasomal tergum II
    metasomal tergum III
    metasomal tergum IV
    metasomal tergum V
    metasomal tergum VI
    metasomal tergum vii
    metasternal shelf
    metasterno-second abdominal sternal
    metasterno-second abdominal sternal muscle
    metasubalare muscle
    metatarsal claw
    metathoracic basalare
    metathoracic longitudinal muscle
    metathoracic spiracle
    metatibial spur
    metatibio-metabasitarsal articulation
    metatibio-metabasitarsal joint
    metatibio-pretarsus of the metatarsus muscle
    metatrochanteral apodeme
    metatrochanteral muscle
    metatrochantero-metafemoral joint
    metatrochantero-metafemoral muscle
    metatrochantinal muscle
    metepisternal anapleural cleft
    metepisternal depression
    metopic suture
    micropilose area
    mid basitarsus
    mid coxa
    mid femur
    mid leg
    mid leg tarsal claw
    mid ocellar diameter
    mid tarsus
    mid telotarsus
    mid tibia
    mid tibial spur
    mid trochanter
    middle basitarsus
    middle coxa
    middle coxal pan
    middle femur
    middle leg
    middle phragma
    middle tarsus
    middle tibia
    middle tibial spur
    middle trochanter
    midleg length
    midlobe of mesoscutum
    minimum diameter
    minimum spine distance
    minimum width
    mittlere gonapophysen
    monocondylic joint
    mouth cavity
    mouth margin
    mouth opening
    multi-cellular organism
    multi-tissue structure
    multilaminar epithelium
    multiporous gustatory sensillum
    multiporous olfactory sensillum
    multiporous plate
    multiporous plate sensillum
    muscle 1
    muscle 107
    muscle 108
    muscle 11
    muscle 110
    muscle 111
    muscle 112
    muscle 113
    muscle 114
    muscle 115
    muscle 116
    muscle 117
    muscle 12
    muscle 13
    muscle 15
    muscle 18
    muscle 19a
    muscle 19b1
    muscle 19b2
    muscle 19c
    muscle 2
    muscle 20
    muscle 3
    muscle 4
    muscle 5
    muscle 59
    muscle 6
    muscle 60
    muscle 62
    muscle 63
    muscle 64
    muscle 65
    muscle 66
    muscle 67
    muscle 68
    muscle 69
    muscle 7
    muscle 84
    muscle 85
    muscle 87
    muscle 88
    muscle 89
    muscle 90
    muscle 91
    muscle 92
    muscle 93
    muscle 94
    muscle 95
    muscle a
    muscle attachment site
    muscle b
    muscle bearing process of mesopostphragma
    muscle bearing process of the metanotum
    muscle c
    muscle d
    muscle e
    muscle f
    muscle g
    muscle h
    muscle i
    muscle j
    muscle k
    muscle l
    muscle m
    muscle n
    muscle nb
    muscle nd
    muscle nl
    muscle o
    muscle o'
    muscle o''
    muscle of the furcula
    muscle of the maxillary palpus
    muscle of the mucus gland of the male
    muscle of the second segment of the labial palpus
    muscle p
    muscle qr
    muscle s
    muscle si
    muscle t'
    muscle t''
    muscle u
    muscle v
    muscle w
    muscle x
    muscle y
    muscle z
    muscles of the proctiger in the female
    musculus basipremento-salivarius
    musculus circulopharyngealis
    musculus clypeo-ciberioparietales
    musculus clypeo-epipharyngealis
    musculus clypeo-suspensorialis
    musculus cranio-extramandibularis
    musculus cranio-intramandibularis
    musculus cranio-intramandibularis I
    musculus cranio-intramandibularis II
    musculus cranio-pharyngealis
    musculus dorsopremento-salivarius
    musculus fronti-labralis
    musculus fronti-pharyngealis I
    musculus fronti-pharyngealis II
    musculus fronti-pharyngealis III
    musculus fronti-suspensorialis
    musculus gena-cardinalis
    musculus intersupensorialis dorsualis
    musculus labiopalpomere I-II
    musculus postoccipiti-prementualis
    musculus premento-glossaris
    musculus premento-labiopalpualis
    musculus premento-paraglossaris
    musculus retractor unguis
    musculus scapo-pedicularis I
    musculus scapo-pedicularis II
    musculus stipiti-galearis
    musculus stipiti-laciniaris
    musculus stipiti-maxillopalpualis I
    musculus tentorio-cardinalis
    musculus tentorio-oriscutorius
    musculus tentorio-prementualis
    musculus tentorio-scapualis I
    musculus tentorio-scapualis II
    musculus tentorio-scapualis III
    musculus tentorio-scapualis IV
    musculus tentorio-stipitalis I
    musculus tentorio-stipitalis II
    musculus tentorio-suspensorialis
    nasal suture
    nervous system
    netrion apodeme
    netrion sulcus
    ninth abdominal segment
    ninth abdominal sternite
    ninth abdominal sternum
    ninth abdominal tergal muscle
    ninth flagellomere
    ninth metasomal segment
    ninth metasomal tergite
    ninth metasomal tergum
    ninth sternal lobe
    ninth tergal condyle of the first valvifer
    notal membrane
    notal suture
    notaular line
    notaular ridge
    notopleural suture
    nuchal area
    nuchal carina
    nuchal collar
    nurse cell
    obere hälfte d. seitenwand
    oblong plate
    oblonge platte
    occipital arch
    occipital butterfly-shaped depression
    occipital carina
    occipital condyle
    occipital condyle of the cervical prominence
    occipital depression
    occipital foramen
    occipital keel
    occipital margin
    occipital process of propleuron
    occipital process of the propleuron
    occipital sulcus
    occipital suture
    occipito-cardinal muscle
    occipito-lacinial muscle
    occiptal condyle
    occlusor muscle apodeme
    occlusor muscle apodeme of anterior thoracic spiracle
    occlusor muscle apodeme of the mesothoracic spiracle
    occlusor of posterior thoracic spiracle
    occlusor of the propodeal spiracle
    occlusor of the propodeal spiracle muscle
    Occlusor of the spiracle of abdominal segment II
    occlusor of the spiracle of abdominal segment VIII
    occlusors of the spiracles of abdominal segment III
    occlusors of the spiracles of abdominal segment IV
    occlusors of the spiracles of abdominal segment V
    occlusors of the spiracles of abdominal segment VI
    occlusors of the spiracles of abdominal segment VII
    occlusors of the spiracles of abdominal segment VIII
    ocellar area
    ocellar diameter
    ocellar fovea
    ocellar hair patch
    ocellar ocular line
    ocellar plate
    ocellar triangle
    ocellar-ocular groove
    ocellocular line
    ocellus dorsalis
    ocellus frontalis
    ocellus lateralis
    ocellus medialis
    ocellus verticalis
    ocular ocellar length
    ocular ocellar line
    ocular sclerite
    ocular sulcus
    ocular suture
    oculus compositus
    odontoid process
    oesophagus cuticle
    optic lobe
    oral carina
    oral cavity
    oral chamber
    oral foramen
    oral fossa
    oral surface
    orbicular cervical sclerite
    orbital band
    orbital carina
    orbital furrow
    organ system
    organism subdivision
    orifice of the venom gland reservoir
    outer cardinal process
    outer cardinal thickening
    outer carina of the mandible
    outer groove
    outer lobe of the lacinia
    outer margin of compound eye
    outer or central arm of stipes
    outer orbit
    outer ovipositor plate
    outer panel of axilla
    outer plate
    outer plate of ovipositor
    outer plattes of Imms
    outer ridge
    outer sheaths
    outer valves
    ovipositor apparatus
    ovipositor boss
    ovipositor clip
    ovipositor muscle
    ovipositor sheath
    ovipositor stylet
    paddle shaped seta
    palpal formula
    palpal fossa of the prementum
    palpal sclerite
    palpal segment
    palpomere 1
    palpomere 2
    palpomere 3
    palpomere 4
    palpomere of maxillary palpus
    palpus exterior
    palpus interior
    palpus labialis
    palpus maxillaris
    para-axillary suture
    para-mesoscutellar suture
    paraclypeal margin
    paracoxal notch
    paracoxal ridge
    paracoxal sulcus
    paraglossal acroglossal button
    paraglossal annulus
    paraglossal flexor
    paraglossal sclerite
    paraglossal suspensorium
    paraglossal triangle
    paramandibular process
    parameral plate
    parameral seta
    parameres exteriores
    parameres interiores
    paraocular area
    paraocular carina
    paraocular lobe
    parapenial lobe
    parapsidal furrow
    parapsidal hair line of mesoscutum
    parapsidal line
    parapsidal ridge
    parapsidal signum
    parapsidal sulcus
    parapsidal suture
    parapsides sulcus
    parapteron mesepimerale
    parapteron mesepisternale
    parapteron metepisternale
    parascrobal area
    parascutal carina
    parascutal flange
    parascutal impression
    parascutal sulcus
    parascutellar suture
    paraspiracular carina
    paraspiracular sulcus
    parattero del mesonoto
    parietal band
    parietal contractor of the pharynx
    parossiculo-penisvalval muscle
    parossiculo-phallotremal muscle
    pars articulares
    pars articularis
    pectal fossa of the coxa
    pecto-coxal joint
    penis rod
    penis valve
    penisvalval muscle
    penisvalvo-endophallal muscle
    penisvalvo-gonossiculal muscle
    penisvalvo-median sclerotized style muscle
    penisvalvo-phallotremal muscle
    periepistomal striation
    peritrophic gel
    peritrophic membrane
    pes anterior
    pes posterior
    petiolar collar
    petiolar condyle
    petiolar flange
    petiolar fovea
    petiolar lamina
    petiolar node
    petiolar scrobe
    petiolar spiracle
    petiole length
    petiole neck
    petiole width
    petite fossette triangulaire
    phallic apparatus
    phallic muscles of the male
    pharate adult
    pharyngeal muscle
    pharyngeal plate
    pharyngeal wall
    pharyngo-epipharyngeal muscle
    phragma anterius
    phragma mediale
    phragma mesothoracale
    phragma metathoracale
    phragma posterius
    phragma prothoracale
    pièce annulaire
    pièce basilaire
    pièce complèmentaire
    pièce en trèbuchet
    pièce principale
    placode sensillum
    placodeal sensillum
    placoid sensillum
    plantar lobe
    plaque basilaire
    plaque oblongue
    plaque ventrale
    plaques carrees
    plaques oblongues
    plaques quadratiques
    plaques stigmatiferes
    plaques stigmatiques
    plaques volsellaires
    pleated membrane
    pleural apodeme
    pleural apophysis
    pleural area
    pleural carina
    pleural pit
    pleural pit line
    pleural ridge
    pleural sulcus
    pleural suture
    pleural wing process
    pleuro-ventral line
    pleuron mesothoracale
    pleuron prothoracale
    pleurostomal area
    pleurostomal carina
    pleurostomal condyle
    pleurostomal fossa
    pleurostomal ridge
    pleurostomal suture
    plica analis
    plica basalis
    plica dividens
    plica vannalis
    plical area
    plical carina
    plical depression
    plical furrow
    plical lobe
    plical region
    pollen carrying basket
    pollen press
    ponticulus tentorii
    pore facial
    pore interocellaire
    pore plates
    pore preocellaire
    porta epistomalis
    porta epistomatalis
    portion évaginale
    portion invaginale
    portion of cell substance
    portion of cuticle
    portion of epithelium
    portion of organism substance
    portion of tissue
    post ramus flap of the 2nd valvifer
    post-ramus flap
    postacetabular patch
    postacetabular pits
    postacetabular sulcus
    postalar bridge
    postalar plate
    postalar process
    postarticular portion of the postmentum
    postarticular postmentum
    postcerebral muscle of the pharynx
    postepomial sulcus
    posterior adductor
    posterior adductor of the labium
    posterior alar plate
    posterior area of the second abdominal sternum
    posterior area of the second valvifer
    posterior bar of mesoscutellum
    posterior bar of metascutellum
    posterior basalare
    posterior basitarsus
    posterior carina of subaxillular bar
    posterior carina of the mesosubpleuron
    posterior cephalic foramen
    posterior cephalic margin
    posterior contractor of the pharynx
    posterior coxal depressor of the middle trochanter
    posterior coxal fossa of the mesotrochanter
    posterior coxal fossa of the metatrochanter
    posterior coxal fossa of the protrochanter
    posterior cranio-mandibular articulation
    posterior cranio-mandibular muscle
    posterior extension of preaxilla
    posterior face of the sipes
    posterior felt field
    posterior femoro-tibial articulation
    posterior flexor of the ligula
    posterior foramen
    posterior fronto-labral muscle
    posterior furcal-laterophragmal muscle
    posterior glossal plate
    posterior glossal sclerite
    Posterior gonocoxapophyseal muscle
    posterior labial adductor
    posterior labral retractor
    posterior lacinial fimbriae
    posterior levator of the fore trochanter
    posterior levator of the hind trochanter
    posterior levator of the middle trochanter
    posterior lingual plate
    posterior lobe of scutellum
    posterior margin of scutellar disc
    posterior margin of the first valvifer
    posterior mesepimeral apodeme
    posterior mesepimeral area
    posterior mesepimeral inflection
    posterior mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral articulation
    posterior mesocoxo-mesotrochanteral muscle
    posterior mesofemoro-mesotibial articulation
    posterior mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal
    posterior mesofurco-mesolaterophragmal muscle
    posterior mesonoto-mesotrochanteral
    posterior mesonoto-mesotrochanteral muscle
    posterior mesonoto-metanotal
    posterior mesonoto-metanotal muscle
    posterior mesopleuro-mesofurcal
    posterior mesopleuro-mesofurcal muscle
    posterior mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing muscle
    posterior mesoscutal width
    posterior mesoscutellar area
    posterior mesoscutellar carina
    posterior mesoscutellar ridge
    posterior mesoscutellar sulcus
    posterior mesosomal comb
    posterior mesotibio-mesobasitarsal muscle
    posterior metacoxo-metatrochanteral articulation of the metacoxa
    posterior metafemoro-metatibial articulation
    posterior metanoto-metacoxal
    posterior metanoto-metacoxal muscle
    posterior metapleuro-metabasalar
    posterior metapleuro-metabasalar muscle
    posterior metapleuro-metabasalare muscle
    posterior metapleuro-metafurcal
    posterior metapleuro-metafurcal muscle
    posterior metatibio-metabasitarsal muscle
    posterior nervure
    posterior notal wing process
    posterior ocellar length
    posterior ocellar line
    posterior ocellus
    posterior paracoxal ridge
    posterior part of pronotal plate
    posterior petiolar constriction
    posterior petiolar distance
    posterior pit of scutellum
    posterior prepectal inflection
    posterior procoxo-protrochanteral articulation
    posterior procoxo-protrochanteral muscle
    posterior profemoro-protibial articulation
    posterior profurcal lamella
    posterior projection of mesoscutellum
    posterior pronotal inflection
    posterior pronotal sulcus
    posterior pronoto-laterocervical
    posterior pronoto-laterocervical muscle
    posterior propleural arm
    posterior propleuro-postoccipital
    posterior propleuro-postoccipital muscle
    posterior propodeal projection
    posterior protibio-probasitarsal muscle
    posterior proximal process of the mesobasitarsus
    posterior proximal process of the metabasitarsus
    posterior proximal process of the probasitarsus
    posterior ramus of occipital process
    posterior rim of the propodeum
    posterior scutellar depression
    posterior scutellar pits
    posterior scutellum
    posterior scutum
    posterior second valvifer-second valvula muscle
    posterior section of dorsal flange of second valvifer
    posterior spiracle distance of the propodeum
    posterior stipital sclerite
    posterior stipital wall
    posterior stipito-palpal muscle
    posterior subalar pit
    posterior supraalar area
    posterior surface
    posterior surface of the glossa
    posterior T9-second valvifer muscle
    posterior tentorial arm
    posterior tentorial pit
    posterior tentorio-premental muscle
    posterior tentorio-scapal muscle
    posterior tentorio-stipital muscle
    Posterior tergal muscle of the 2nd valvifer
    Posterior tergogonocoxal muscle
    posterior thoracic spiracle
    posterior tooth of the mandible
    posterior transverse carina of the mesosternum
    posterior trochanteral articular process of the mesocoxa
    posterior trochanteral articular process of the metacoxa
    posterior trochanteral articular process of the procoxa
    posterior trochanteral condyle of the mesocoxa
    posterior trochanteral condyle of the metacoxa
    posterior trochanteral condyle of the procoxa
    posterodistal notch of the fore wing
    posterodorsal branch of pronotal Y
    posterodorsal edge of pronotum
    posterodorsal edge of the mesopleuron
    posterodorsal metapleural area
    posterodorsal metapleural sulcus
    posterodorsal pronotal sulcus
    posterolateral lobe
    posterolateral mesoscutellar area
    posterolateral mesoscutellar carina
    posterolateral metacoxo-metatrochanteral muscle
    posterolateral metapleuro-metanotal
    posterolateral metapleuro-metanotal muscle
    posterolateral pronotal area
    posterolateral pronotal carina
    posterolateral pronotal sulcus
    posterolateral propodeal process
    posterolateral propodeal prong
    posterolateral propodeal tooth
    posterolateral tooth-like section of the anterior part of the pronotal plate
    posteromedian mesosomal process
    posteromedian process of the mesoscutellum
    posteroventral cavity of female T7
    posteroventral corner of metapleuron
    posteroventral corner of the first valvifer
    posteroventral mesal projection of pronotum
    posteroventral metapleural pit
    postfrontal suture
    postgenal bridge
    postgenal cushion
    postgenal groove
    postgenal lamella
    postgenal pit
    postgenal ridge
    postgenal sulcus
    postgenal suture
    postgenital plate
    postmarginal vein
    postmedian mesonotal wing process
    postmedian metanotal wing process
    postmedian notal wing process
    postmental apron
    postmental area
    postmental articular zone
    postmento-premental hinge
    postmento-premental muscle
    postoccipital carina
    postoccipital condyle
    postoccipital muscle
    postoccipital ridge
    postoccipital sulcus
    postoccipital suture
    postocellar carina
    postocellar furrow
    postocellar length
    postocellar line
    postocellar vertex
    postocular area
    postocular carina
    postocular contour line
    postocular distance
    postocular head width
    postocular orbital carina
    postorbital carina
    postpalpal ventral premental area
    postpectal carina
    postpectal flange
    postpetiolar node
    postpetiole height
    postpetiole length
    postpetiole width
    postscutal flange
    postspiracular furrow
    postspiracular sclerite
    postspiracular sulcus
    pre-anal area
    pre-apical ledge
    preapical carina of scutellum
    preapical tibial spurs
    preapical tooth
    prearticular incisure
    prearticular portion of the postmentum
    prearticular postmentum
    preaxillar carina
    precerebral dilators of the pharynx
    precoxal carina
    precoxal carina of mesopleuron
    precoxal sulcus
    precoxal suture
    prelabial flexor muscle
    premarginal vein
    premental arm
    premental carina
    premental ditch
    premental retractor
    premental retractor of the ligula
    premental shield
    premento-glossal muscle
    premento-palpal muscle
    premento-paraglossal muscle
    preoccipital carina
    preoccipital furrow
    preoccipital lunula
    preoccipital ridge
    preocellar pit
    preomaular area
    preoral cavity
    preorbital carina
    preorbital suture
    preorbital trabecula
    prepalpal ventral premental area
    prepectal carina
    prepectal shelf
    prepecto-anterior thoracic spiracle muscle
    prepecto-mesobasalar muscle
    prepecto-procoxal muscle
    prescutal ridge
    prescutal sulcus
    prescutal suture
    prespecular ridge
    prespecular sulcus
    prespiracular carina
    prespiracular propodeal area
    prestigmal flexion line
    pretarsal claw
    pretarsus of mesotarsus
    pretarsus of metatarsus
    pretarsus of protarsus
    primarie wing
    primary gonopore
    primary ocellus
    principal carina of stipes
    proboscidial fossa
    process 75
    processus articularis
    processus internus prosternalis
    processus musculares
    processus muscularis
    processus tentorialis anterior
    processus tentorialis posterior
    procoxal acetabulum
    procoxal cavity
    procoxal foramen
    procoxal muscle
    procoxal pit
    procoxal process
    procoxo-protrochanteral joint
    prodiscrimenal lamella
    productor of the cardo
    productor of the fore tarsus
    productor of the middle tarsus
    profemoral scrobe of the mesopectus
    profemoro-pretarsus of protarsus muscle
    profemoro-protibial joint
    profurcal arm
    profurcal base
    profurcal bridge
    profurcal muscle
    profurcal pit
    profurco-laterocervical muscle
    profurco-postoccipital muscle
    profurco-procoxal muscle
    profurco-prophragmal muscle
    profurco-protrochanteral muscle
    promesonotal suture
    promotor of the hind tarsus
    promotor of the maxilla
    prong of hypopygium
    pronotal angle of pronotum
    pronotal carina
    pronotal cervical sulcus
    pronotal collar
    pronotal collum
    pronotal condyle of the mesoscutum
    pronotal crest
    pronotal cushion
    pronotal disc
    pronotal flange
    pronotal fossa of the mesopectus
    pronotal fovea
    pronotal groove
    pronotal impression
    pronotal inflection
    pronotal lobe
    pronotal neck
    pronotal plate
    pronotal projection
    pronotal ridge
    pronotal shoulder
    pronotal side
    pronotal spine
    pronotal spiracular lobes
    pronotal sulcus
    pronotal suprahumeral sulcus
    pronotal triangle
    pronotal tubercle
    pronotal verricule
    pronoto-anterior thoracic spiracle muscle
    pronoto-laterocervical muscle
    pronoto-mesobasalar muscle
    pronoto-mesonotal articulation
    pronoto-mesopectal suture
    pronoto-mesoscutal suture
    pronoto-mesothoracic spiracle muscle
    pronoto-postoccipital muscle
    pronoto-procoxal muscle
    pronoto-profurcal muscle
    pronoto-prophragmal muscle
    pronoto-propleural arm
    pronoto-propleural arm muscle
    pronoto-propleural muscle
    pronoto-third axillary sclerite muscle
    pronoto-third axillary sclerite of fore wing
    pronoto-third axillary sclerite of fore wing muscle
    pronotum width
    propecto-procoxal joint
    prophragmal muscle
    prophragmo-laterocervical muscle
    prophragmo-mesophragmal muscle
    prophragmo-postoccipital muscle
    prophragmo-propleural muscle
    propleural arm
    propleural arm-postoccipital
    propleural arm-postoccipital muscle
    propleural arm-procoxal
    propleural arm-procoxal muscle
    propleural arm-protrochanteral
    propleural arm-protrochanteral muscle
    propleural carina
    propleural cervical sulcus
    propleural epicoxal sulcus
    propleural flange
    propleural fossa of the cranium
    propleural marginal area
    propleural muscle
    propleuro-postoccipital muscle
    propleuro-procoxal muscle
    propleuro-protrochanteral muscle
    propodeal acetabulum
    propodeal areola
    propodeal bridge
    propodeal carina
    propodeal declivity
    propodeal foramen
    propodeal foramen shelf
    propodeal lobe
    propodeal muscle
    propodeal orifice
    propodeal prong
    propodeal second lateral area
    propodeal shelf
    propodeal spine
    propodeal spiracle
    propodeal spiracle-metanotum distance
    propodeal tooth
    propodeo-first metasomal spiracle muscle
    propodeo-second abdominal segment muscle
    propodeo-second abdominal sternal
    propodeo-second abdominal sternal muscle
    propodeo-second abdominal tergal
    propodeo-second abdominal tergal muscle
    prospinasternal apodeme
    prospinasterno-mesofurcal muscle
    prospinasterno-procoxal muscle
    prospinasterno-profurcal muscle
    prosternal incision
    prosternal spine
    prosterno-procoxal muscle
    protandrous hermaphroditic organism
    protarsal claw
    prothoracic katepisternum
    prothoracic leg
    prothoracic spiracle
    protibial apical pegs
    protibial comb
    protibial spur
    protibio-pretarsus of the protarsus muscle
    protibio-probasitarsal articulation
    protibio-probasitarsal joint
    protogynous hermaphroditic organism
    protractor of the labium
    protractor of the lancet of the sting
    protractor of the oral plate
    protrochanteral apodeme
    protrochanteral muscle
    protrochantero-profemoral articulation
    protrochantero-profemoral joint
    protrochantero-profemoral muscle
    protuberance on malar space
    proventriculus bulb
    proventriculus neck
    proximal articular process of the tarsomere
    proximal condyle of the tarsomere
    proximal galeal brush
    proximal gonostipo-parossiculal muscle
    proximal gonostyle/volsella complex-harpal muscle
    proximal lobe of lateral flange of the principal carina of the stipes
    proximal lobe of vas deferens
    proximal mesal lobe
    proximal mesofemoral apodeme
    proximal premental shield
    proximal profemoral apodeme
    proximodistal anatomical line
    proximodorsal apodeme of cupula
    proximodorsal gonostipo-penisvalval muscle
    proximodorsal gonostyle/volsella complex-penisvalval muscle
    Proximodorsal inflection of cupulal margin
    proximodorsal notch of cupula
    proximodorsal notch of harpe
    proximodorsal process of the mesotibia
    proximodorsal process of the metatibia
    proximodorsal process of the protibia
    proximodorsal process of the tibia
    proximodorsal projection of harpe
    proximolateral apodeme of cupula
    proximolateral galeal sclerite
    proximolateral galeal setiferous patch
    proximolateral projection of the cupula
    Proximomedial brush of the harpe
    proximomedial stipital flange
    proximomedian apodeme of the harpe
    proximomedian lamella of the Waterston's evaporatorium
    proximoventral gonostipo-penisvalval muscle
    proximoventral gonostyle/volsella complex-penisvalval muscle
    proximoventral notch of cupula
    pterale basalare mesothoracale
    pterale basalare metathoracale
    pterale primum
    pterale secundum
    pterale subalare mesothoracale
    pterale tertium
    pteralia of the fore wing
    pterostigma anterius
    pygidial plate
    pyloric valve
    quadrate plates
    quadratische platte
    radial cell
    radial process
    radial vein
    radio-medial (r-m) setal line
    radio-medial cross vein
    Radius (R) setal line
    radius dichotomus
    radius internodalis
    radius nodalis
    radius principalis
    radius subcostalis
    radius superior
    ramal rod
    rami valvularum
    ramus spines
    receptaculum seminis
    rectal pad
    rectal valve
    recurrent nerve
    reductor of the fore femur
    reductor of the fore tarsus
    reductor of the hind femur
    reductor of the middle femur
    reductor of the middle tarsus
    release and spread structure
    remigial region
    reproductive system
    resilin rich articulation of the ramus
    retractor ligulae inferior
    retractor linguae biceps
    retractor of the epipharynx
    retractor of the lancet of the sting
    retractor of the mouth angle
    retractor of the oral plate
    retractor of the proboscis
    retractor, or levator, of the epipharynx
    rima oris
    ring segment
    rod-like sensilla
    row of impressions
    row of setae
    row of spines
    row of spurs
    rudimentary mesopleural furrow
    S2 felt field
    S2 setal line
    S3 felt field
    S7-first valvula muscle
    salivarial muscle
    salivarial orifice
    salivarial sclerite
    salivary duct
    salivary gland
    salivary syringe
    scape length
    scapular flange
    scheide grundtheil
    scheide spitze
    sclérite accessoire
    sclerite accessorio
    sclerite axillare tertium
    sclerite of the maxillary palp
    scleritum axillare primum
    scleritum axillare secundum
    sclerotic bridge uniting bases of volsellae
    scrobal carina of the mesoscutum
    scrobal cavity
    scrobal channel
    scrobal depression
    scrobal groove
    scrobal sulcus
    scutal sulcus
    scutal suture
    scutellar bridge
    scutellar crest
    scutellar disc
    scutellar fovea
    scutellar midpit
    scutellar plate
    scutellar rim
    scutellar sensillum
    scutellar spine
    scutellar sulcus
    scutellar suture
    scutellar tubercular projection
    scutellar-axillar complex
    scutellum mesothoracale
    scuto-scutellar groove
    scuto-scutellar suture
    scutoscutellar ridge
    scutoscutellar sulcus
    scutoscutellar suture
    scutum mesothoracale
    second abdominal segment
    second abdominal spiracle
    second abdominal sternal muscle
    second abdominal sternite
    second abdominal sternum
    second abdominal tergal muscle
    second abdominal tergite
    second abdominal tergum
    second abscissa of Radial Sector (RS2) setal line
    second axillary
    second axillary sclerite
    second axillary sclerite of the fore wing
    second branch of cubital vein (CU2) setal line:
    second coxa
    second dorsal diagonal muscle
    second femur
    second flagellomere
    second gastral segment
    second gastral tergite
    second gonapophysis
    second gonocoxa
    second intrinsic muscle of the labial palp
    second intrinsic muscle of the maxillary palp
    second lateral area
    second lateral muscles of abdominal segment III
    second lateral muscles of abdominal segment IV
    second lateral muscles of abdominal segment V
    second lateral muscles of abdominal segment VI
    second lateral muscles of abdominal segment VII
    second lateral muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    second maxillae
    second median plate
    second mesopleuro-mesonotal
    second mesopleuro-mesonotal muscle
    second mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing
    second mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing muscle
    second metasomal segment
    second metasomal sternite
    second metasomal tergite
    second metasomal tergum
    second node of petiole
    second parapterum
    second parapterum of mesothorax
    second phragma
    second phragmo-third phragmal muscle
    second proximal gonostipo-harpal muscle
    second sclerite of the labial palp
    second sclerite of the maxillary palp
    second spiracle
    second sterno-metacoxal
    second sterno-metacoxal muscle
    second tarsomere
    second tarsomere of fore leg
    second tarsomere of hind leg
    second tarsomere of mid leg
    second trochanter
    second valvifer
    second valvifer-genital membrane muscle
    second valvifer-second valvula-third valvula complex
    second valvifer-third valvula complex
    second valviferal condyle of the first valvifer
    second valvula
    secondary comb
    secondary gonopore
    secretory pore
    section 2
    section 3
    section 3 of gonocoxite IX
    sections 1
    secundarie wing
    segment of the maxillary palp
    segmentum abdominale decimum
    segmentum abdominale nonum
    segmentum abdominale octavum
    segmentum abdominale primum
    segmentum abdominale quartum
    segmentum abdominale quintum
    segmentum abdominale secundum
    segmentum abdominale septimum
    segmentum abdominale sextum
    segmentum abdominale tertium
    segmentum decimum
    segmentum deutognathale
    segmentum labiale
    segmentum maxillare
    segmentum mediale
    segmentum medium
    segmentum nonum
    segmentum octavum
    segmentum primum
    segmentum quartum
    segmentum quintum
    segmentum secundum
    segmentum septimum
    segmentum sextum
    segmentum tertium
    segmentum thoracicoabdominale
    segmentum tritognathale
    sekundare Parapsiden
    sekundare Parapsidenfurchen
    semicircular sheet
    seminal vesicle
    sense organ
    sensilla ampullacea
    sensilla basiconica
    sensilla on edge of the second valvifers
    sensilla placodea
    sensillar patch
    sensillar patch of the male flagellomere
    sensillar patch of the second valvifer
    sensillar plate of the aedeagus
    sensillar ring of harpe
    sensillar row of the 2nd valvifer
    sensillum basiconicum
    sensillum campaniformium
    sensillum coeloconicum
    sensillum coeloconicum A
    sensillum coeloconicum B
    sensillum placoideum
    sensillum trichodeum
    sensillum trichodeum curvatum
    sensory ridge
    sequential hermaphroditic organism
    setal angle
    setal line
    setal line of petiole
    setal pit
    setal track
    setiferous patch
    seventh abdominal segment
    seventh abdominal sternite
    seventh abdominal sternum
    seventh abdominal tergite
    seventh abdominal tergum
    seventh flagellomere
    seventh gastral tergite
    seventh metasomal segment
    seventh metasomal tergite
    seventh metasomal tergum
    sex flagellomere
    sex segment
    sheath of saw
    sickle-shaped sensillum
    side lobe of mesoscutum
    sillon metanotal
    sillon postocellaire
    sillon préoccipita
    simple columnar epithelium
    simple cuboidal epithelium
    simple eye
    simple organ
    simple squamous epithelium
    single cell organism
    sixth abdominal segment
    sixth abdominal sternite
    sixth abdominal sternum
    sixth abdominal tergite
    sixth abdominal tergum
    sixth flagellomere
    sixth gastral tergite
    sixth maxillary palpal sclerite
    sixth metasomal segment
    sixth metasomal tergite
    skaphion carina
    skeletal muscle
    socketed spine peg
    soie piquante
    soie subapicale
    solid compound organ
    somatic muscle
    spatulate process of the prementum
    specialized adhesive spur
    specialized area of mesoscutellum
    specialized brushes
    spiculate patch of lacinia
    spiculate patch of the galea
    spiculate patch of the hypopharynx
    spine length
    spiracle of second metasomal tergum
    spiracle plates
    spiracular groove
    spiracular muscle
    spiracular plates
    spiracular sulcus
    spiracular sulcus of propodeum
    stemmatico-ocular line
    sternacostal carina
    sternacostal suture
    sternal apodeme
    sternal apophysis
    sternal muscle
    sternaular area
    sternaulus length
    sternite VI
    sternopleural suture
    sternum 3
    sternum abdominale nonum
    sternum abdominale octavum
    sternum abdominale quartum
    sternum abdominale quintum
    sternum abdominale secundum
    sternum abdominale septimum
    sternum abdominale sextum
    sternum abdominale tertium
    sternum labial
    sternum nonum
    sternum octavum
    sternum quartum
    sternum quintum
    sternum secundum
    sternum septimum
    sternum sextum
    sternum tertium
    stigmal break
    stigmal vein
    sting apparatus
    Stipital articular surface of the postmentum
    stipital carina
    stipital depression
    stipital fossa of the cardo
    stipital protractors of the proboscis
    stipital sclerite
    stipital thickening
    stipito-galeal muscle
    stipito-lacinial muscle
    stipito-palpal muscle
    stipito-premental conjunctiva
    stipitocardinal hinge
    stomadaeal valve
    stridulatory organ
    sturdy spines of the hind femur
    stylet sheath
    styloconic sensillum
    stylus of the third valvula
    sub-anterior fovea
    sub-genal carina
    subacropleural sulcus
    subalar area
    subalar bridge
    subalar impression
    subalar pit
    subalar ridge
    subalar triangle
    subalar tubercle
    subanal plate
    subantennal area
    subantennal carina
    subantennal groove
    subantennal sulcus
    subantennal suture
    subapical genal tooth
    subapical tooth
    subaxillular bar
    subcalyptral area
    subcosta alae anterioris
    subcostal scale
    subcostal vein
    subcostal vein of fore wing
    subcubital fold
    subcubital setal line
    subcubital vein
    subforaminal bridge
    subgaleal sclerite
    subgenal carina
    subgenal coronet
    subgenital plate
    subglossal brush
    sublateral carina of tergum
    sublateral groove
    subligular plate
    subligular process
    subligular sclerite
    submarginal carina of abdominal tergite
    submarginal groove
    submarginal ridge
    submarginal vein
    submedial flange of occipital carina
    submedial notch on distoventral margin of gonostyle/volsella complex
    submedian area
    submedian area of clypeus
    submedian carina
    submedian carina of propodeum
    submedian conjunctiva on the distoventral margin of gonostyle/volsella complex
    submedian groove
    submedian lines of scutellum
    submedian patch on abdominal T7
    submedian pronotal apodeme
    submedian pronotal depression
    submedian propodeal projection
    submedian setiferous patch on the abdominal tergum
    submetapleural carina
    submetapleural ridge
    subocellar sulcus
    subocular area
    subocular groove
    subocular sulcus
    suboesophageal ganglion
    subpetiolar process
    subpleural area
    subpleural signum
    subpronotal plate
    subsalivarial gland
    subtegular fovea
    subtegular groove
    subtegular plate
    subtorular carina
    sucking pump
    supporting plate
    supra-antennal area
    supra-marginal carina
    supraalar area
    supraanal plate
    supraantennal depressions
    supraantennal grooves
    supraclypeal area
    supraclypeal depression
    supracoxal flange
    suprahumeral sulcus
    supramesopleural sclerite
    supraneural bridge
    supraorbital suture
    supraorbital trabecula
    surcoxal depression
    suspensory rod of the hypopharynx
    suspensory thickening
    sutura anteroclypealis
    sutura anterogenalis
    sutura epistomalis
    sutura epistomatalis
    sutura frontoclypealis
    sutura frontogenalis
    sutura genalis
    sutura humeralis
    sutura mesopleuralis
    sutura postmaxillaris
    sutura postoccipitalis
    sutura subocularis
    suture parassidiali
    synchronous hermaphroditic organism
    synsternal setiferous patch
    synsternal translucent patch
    syntergal translucent patch
    T2 longitudinal internal ridge
    T8-first valvifer muscle
    T9-genital membrane muscle
    T9-T10 muscle
    tarsal claw
    tarsal comb
    tarsal plantula
    tarsal pulvillum
    tarsal segment
    tarsus anterior
    tarsus medialis
    tarsus mesothoracalis
    tarsus metathoracalis
    tarsus pedis anteriores
    tarsus pedis medialis
    tarsus pedis posteriores
    tarsus posterior
    tarsus prothoracalis
    tendinous arch of the mesofurca
    tensor of the lacinial lobe
    tenth abdominal segment
    tenth abdominal tergite
    tenth flagellomere
    tentorial arm
    tentorial bridge
    tentorial foveae
    tentorial pit
    tentorio-antennal muscle
    tentorio-cardinal muscle
    tentorio-hypopharyngeal muscle
    tentorio-labial muscle
    tentorio-mandibular muscle
    tentorio-pharyngeal muscle
    tentorio-sitophoral muscle
    tentorio-stipital muscle
    tentorium anterius
    tentorium posterius
    tergal apodeme
    tergal muscle
    tergite 2 notch
    tergite 8
    tergite 9
    tergite du 8º segment
    tergite IX
    tergo-valvifer articulation
    tergosternal sulcus
    tergovaginal muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    tergovalvifer muscle of abdominal segment VIII
    tergum abdominale decimum
    tergum abdominale nonum
    tergum abdominale octavum
    tergum abdominale primum
    tergum abdominale quartum
    tergum abdominale quintum
    tergum abdominale secundum
    tergum abdominale septimum
    tergum abdominale sextum
    tergum abdominale tertium
    tergum decimum
    tergum nonum
    tergum octavum
    tergum primum
    tergum quartum
    tergum quintum
    tergum secundum
    tergum septimum
    tergum sextum
    tergum tertium
    terminal process of stigmal vein
    terminal spine
    third abdominal segment
    third abdominal sternite
    third abdominal sternum
    third abdominal tergite
    third abdominal tergum
    third axillary
    third axillary sclerite
    third axillary sclerite of the fore wing
    third axillary sclerite of the hind wing
    third femur
    third flagellomere
    third gastral segment
    third intrinsic muscle of the maxillary palp
    third lateral muscle of abdominal segment VII
    third lateral muscles of abdominal segment III
    third lateral muscles of abdominal segment IV
    third lateral muscles of abdominal segment V
    third lateral muscles of abdominal segment VI
    third lateral muscles of abdominal segment VII
    third lateral muscles of abdominal segment VIII
    third mesopleuro-mesonotal
    third mesopleuro-mesonotal muscle
    third mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite muscle
    third mesopleuro-third axillary sclerite of fore wing muscle
    third metasomal segment
    third metasomal sternite
    third metasomal tergite
    third metasomal tergum
    third phragma
    third phragmo-second abdominal tergal muscle
    third sclerite of the labial palp
    third sclerite of the maxillary palp
    third tarsomere