Fopius bevisi (Brues, 1926)

Taxonomic History / Nomenclature
Prior to 1987, most of the species of Fopius, including this one, were placed either in Opius or Biosteres.
See comments under the Fopius desideratus species group on the Fopius page.

The information listed in the section on hosts is taken from Clausen et al. (1965), who listed the species as “?Opius bevisi.” I have examined some of these specimens, and they fit the concept of Brues’ species, as does material subsequently reared from tephritids in Kenya (Copeland et al. 2009).

Diagnosis and Relationships
A tabular summary of morphological features that facilitates comparison of the known species of Fopius is provided by Wharton (1999).
This is a fairly large, orange species. As in other members of the desideratus species group, the ovipositor is characterized by the presence of two distinct subapical nodes and setae on the ovipositor sheath are very sparse; the frons has transverse, somewhat curved striae.
1. Lateral habitus, holotype female ...
2. Apex of ovipositor, dorsal side...
Originally described from South Africa by Brues; it was subsequently recorded from Kenya by Clausen et al. (1965) and more recently collected in coastal forests of Kenya by Copeland and Wharton (Copeland et al. 2009).
Biology / Hosts
Propagated in Hawaii on Ceratitis capitata ; apparently reared from wild fruits (Strychnos spp.) infested with Ceratitis (Pterandrus) queritum (Munro) in Kenya (Clausen et al. 1965).
Biological Control
Introduced to Hawaii; released but not recovered (Clausen et al. 1965).

There are no specimens currently determined for this OTU, or those specimens determined for this OTU are not yet mappable.