Agathidinae Genera from Thailand (199)

#NEXUS [generated by mx Mon May 06 07:45:53 -0500 2024] [from matrix: Agathidinae Genera from Thailand ] Begin taxa; Dimensions Ntax=18; Taxlabels   'Agathis'   'Lytopylus'   'Braunsia'   'Camptothlipsis'   'Therophilus'   'Bassus'   'Earinus'   'Biroia'   'Gyrochus'   'Troticus'   'Coccygidium'   'Hypsostypos'   'Amputostypos'   'Euagathis'   'Disophrys'   'Cremnops'   'Cremnoptoides'   'Aneurobracon' ; end; Begin characters; Title Multistate_characters; Dimensions Nchar=17; Format   datatype = STANDARD   missing = ?   symbols = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S U V W X Y Z !"; Charstatelabels   1 Position_of_lateral_carina_of_frons / 'with posterior ends directed towards lateral ocelli' 'with posterior ends directed towards median ocellus' 'with posterior ends meeting anterior to ocelli forming a complete circle' 'absent',   2 Presence_and_shape_of_2nd_submarginal_cell_of_forewing / 'quadrate, or slightly narrowing anteriorly' 'triangular' 'absent',   3 Shape_of_tarsal_claws / 'fore and mid claws cleft' 'fore and mid claws with a basal lobe' 'fore and mid claws simple',   4 Sculpture_of_median_tergite_3 / 'extensively striate in anterior half or more' 'not extensively striate, usually smooth or weakly coriarious',   5 Length_of_foretibial_spurs / 'about as long as basitarsus, and ending in a long thin style' 'less that 3/4 length of fore basitarsus, and ending abruptly',   6 Length_of_mouthparts / 'Mouthparts long, galea significantly longer than wide; gena often elongate' 'Mouthparts short (normal), galea not longer than wide; gena not especially elongate',   7 Frons__with_or_without_lateral_carinae / 'bordered with carinae' 'not bordered with carinae',   8 Sculpture_of_first_median_tergite / 'mostly striate' 'entirely smooth' 'mostly granulate or coriarious',   9 Presence_of_adventitious_vein__2RS__on_r_m_crossvein_of_forewing / 'absent or indicated only by slight swelling' 'present and distinct',   10 Length_of_ovipositor / 'short, barely exerted or less than half length of metasoma' 'longer than half length of metasoma',   11 Presence_of_notauli / 'present but not necessarily complete' 'absent',   12 Presence_of_RS_M_vein_of_forewing / 'mostly or entirely absent' 'present and complete',   13 Presence_of_ventral_longitudinal_carinae_on_hind_trochantellus / 'hind trochantellus with one or two distinct carinae' 'hind trochantellus lacking carinae',   14 Position_of_metasomal_cavity__MC___where_the_metasoma_inserts_into_the_mesosoma_ / 'situated entirely dorsal to coxal cavities (CC); wide, high, straight, transverse carinae (TC) between metasomal (MC) and coxal cavities' ' situated partly between coxal cavities (CC); wide, high, straight, transverse carinae (TC) between metasomal (MC) and coxal cavities absent, usually curved and relatively shallow if present',   15 Shape_of_lateral_carina_of_frons / 'lamellate (high and thin)' 'in the form of a blunt ridge, not lamellate' 'absent',   16 Presence_of_RS_vein_of_forewing / 'completely absent' 'present, though sometimes interupted at midlength',   17 Tubular_carinae_surrounding_antennal_sockets / 'present and high, resulting in a deep groove between antennae' 'absent or low, groove between antennae may be present but not so pronounced', ; Matrix
'Agathis'  4{12}222121121122322
'Lytopylus'  422{12}2221121121322
'Braunsia'  4{12}212221221121322
'Camptothlipsis'  43222223121122322
'Therophilus'  42222221{12}211{12}2322
'Bassus'  42322221121122322
'Earinus'  4122222{12}122222322
'Biroia'  11122112122122122
'Gyrochus'  31122212212122122
'Troticus'  21122212211122122
'Coccygidium'  1{12}121212111112222
'Hypsostypos'  2{12}122212111112221
'Amputostypos'  4{12}122222111112322
'Euagathis'  4{12}122{12}22{12}11122322
'Disophrys'  11122{12}12{12}11122122
'Cremnops'  {12}1122112121122222
'Cremnoptoides'  11122{12}12{12}21112122
'Aneurobracon'  43{23}22223121122312
; end; [ Continuous characters block, remove for execution in PAUP* ] Begin characters;   title continuous_characters;   dimensions nchar=0;   format   datatype = CONTINUOUS   gap = - ; matrix
; end; [ End continuous characters block ]

mike sharkey lab This site is funded in part by National Science Foundation grant DEB-0542864 for content generated from the TIGER project and grant DBI-0850223 for mx software and Hymenoptera Anatomical Ontology. Ideas and opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not the NSF. Version date - August 18, 2009. powered by mx
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