Scolobatini and Westwoodiini (198)

#NEXUS [generated by mx Mon Apr 29 03:23:22 -0500 2024] [from matrix: Scolobatini and Westwoodiini ] Begin taxa; Dimensions Ntax=9; Taxlabels   '3_99'   '7806'   '7861'   '7801'   '7800'   '7803'   '7802'   '7804'   'Gauldia' ; end; Begin characters; Title Multistate_characters; Dimensions Nchar=12; Format   datatype = STANDARD   missing = ?   symbols = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S U V W X Y Z !"; Charstatelabels   1 Areolet / 'closed (present)' 'open (absent)',   2 Labiomaxillary_complex / 'elongate' 'normal',   3 Occipital_Carina / 'entirely absent' 'present laterally, absent mid dorsally' 'complete',   4 Glymma / 'not meeting along midline posterior to dorsal tendon attachment (dta), relatively small, usually deep, basal pit' 'not meeting along midline posterior to dta, relatively large, broad depression' 'nearly absent, represented by a shallow, elongate depression dorsally',   5 Origin_of_2r_and_Rs_on_stigma / 'near base' 'near middle',   6 Transverse_carinae_of_the_propodeum / 'entirely absent' 'present , distinct' 'propodeal sculpture densely rugose, obscuring any transverse carinae that might be present',   7 Clypeal_Margin / 'thin, sharp throughout' 'at least partially thickened' 'with sharp pointed median tooth',   8 Tyloid / 'present, small, 15 or fewer sensilla' 'present, large, 20 or more sensilla',   9 Hypostomal_Carina / 'does not join occipital carina before mandibular base' 'joins occipital carina before mandibular base',   10 Notauli / 'absent' 'deeply impressed but longer, extending onto poster half of mesoscutum' 'present but shorter' 'Deeply impressed throughout, particularly well-developed at base ' 'Deeply impressed but incomplete, absent or nearly so at extreme base ',   11 Female_subgenital_plate / 'with sparse, irregularly placed setae' 'uniformly setose',   12 Tarsal_claws_interior_surface / 'simple' 'basally pectinate, simple at least over apical 0.5' 'completely pectinate or nearly so, with pectination at least over basal 0.75', ; Matrix
'3_99'  111010201012
'7806'  10{01}010200012
'7861'  111010000011
'7801'  11101010{01}01{12}
'7800'  012202111100
'7803'  {01}1220{12}111100
'7802'  {01}11000111200
'7804'  012102111100
'Gauldia'  012100111100
; end; [ Continuous characters block, remove for execution in PAUP* ] Begin characters;   title continuous_characters;   dimensions nchar=0;   format   datatype = CONTINUOUS   gap = - ; matrix
; end; [ End continuous characters block ]