Tyloids (203)

#NEXUS [generated by mx Sat Apr 27 11:25:02 -0500 2024] [from matrix: Tyloids ] Begin taxa; Dimensions Ntax=32; Taxlabels   'Tasmabates'   'Nanium_Townes__1967'   'Absyrtus'   'Peakelestes'   'Sialocara'   'Xiomara'   'Coelorhachis'   'Oetophorus'   'Aechmeta'   'Trematopygodes'   'Jorgeus'   'Lathiponus'   'Neurogenia'   'Opheltes'   'Perilimicron_Aubert__1989'   'Synoecetes'   'Tetrambon'   'Priopoda'   'Perilissus'   'Lophyroplectus'   'Metopheltes'   'Zaplethocornia'   '7800'   '7806'   '7861'   '3_99'   '7801'   '7800'   '7803'   '7802'   '7804'   'Gauldia' ; end; Begin characters; Title Multistate_characters; Dimensions Nchar=21; Format   datatype = STANDARD   missing = ?   symbols = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S U V W X Y Z !"; Charstatelabels   1 Forewing_M_CU_medially_ / 'with thickened tubercle or anteriorly-directed spurious vein' 'normal: lacking spurious veins, tubercles or bulging, thickened areas',   2 Forewing_2_1A_medially_ / 'bulging posteriorly, the bulge often thickened or tuberculate' 'normal, without bulge or thickening',   3 Median_teeth_on_ventral_margin_of_clypeus / 'median tooth or pair of teeth absent, clypeus often blunt medially' 'one median tooth, usually sharp and pointed' 'two median teeth, with narrow notch between',   4 The_Occipital_carina / 'entirely absent' 'present mid dorsally, absent laterally' 'absent mid dorsally, present laterally' 'complete',   5 Epicnemial_carina / 'present' 'absent',   6 Glymma_at_base_of_metasoma / 'meeting on the midline posterior to dorsal tendon attachment (dta), large, deep, separated at midline by translucent partition' 'not meeting along midline posterior to dta, relatively small, usually deep, basal pit' 'not meeting along midline posterior to dta, relatively large, broad depression' 'absent or nearly so, represented at most by a shallow, elongate depression dorsally' 'unknown',   7 Fore_wing_areolet / 'present (cell closed)' 'absent (cell open)',   8 Tyloids / 'present: 15 or fewer sensilla' 'present: 20 or more sensilla' 'unknown' 'absent',   9 The_Transverse_carinae_of_propodeum_ / 'entirely absent' 'present, usually distinct' 'propodeal sculpture densely rugose, obscuring any transverse carinae that might be present',   10 Labial_maxillary_complex / 'elongate' 'normal',   11 Hypostomal_carina_ventrally / 'does not join occipital carina' 'joins occipital carina right at base of mandible' 'joins occipital carina above base of mandible',   12 The_clypeal_margin / 'thin, sharp throughout' 'at least partially thickened' 'with sharp median tooth' 'more or less blunt medially, toothed laterally in female; male blunt throughout' 'male blunt, female protruding and truncate, thin rather than thick, but not quite sharp' 'unknown',   13 The_female_subgenital_plate / 'with sparse, irregularly placed setae' 'uniformly setose' 'unknown',   14 The_tarsal_claw / 'simple' 'basally pectinate, simple at least over apical 0.5' 'completely pectinate or nearly so, pectination at least over basal 0.75' 'cleft, not pectinate',   15 The_maxillary_palp / 'unusually long, distinctly greater than height of head' 'about equal to head height' 'shorter, less than head height' 'unknown',   16 The_fore_wing_stigma / 'short, broad' 'long, narrow' 'not quite as short and broad as Tasmabates, but not as long and narrow as Westwoodiini' 'unknown',   17 The_origin_of_Rs_2r_on_stigma / 'near base' 'near middle',   18 The_dorsal_tendon_attachment__dta_ / 'not in basal depression' 'weak basal depression' 'deep depression, not extending internally' 'deep basal depression extending internally towards T2',   19 The_hind_leg_tibial_spur / 'shorter, somewhat triangular, at most 4x longer than maximum width near base' 'longer, more cylindrical (normal), at least 7x longer than maximum width near base',   20 The_longitudinal_furrow_extending_across_middle_of_mesopleuron / 'present' 'absent',   21 The_Notauli / 'absent' 'weakly impressed, nearly absent' 'distinctly impressed but short, not extending to tegula or posterior half of mesoscutum' 'deeply impressed, extending posterior to tegula, onto posterior half of mesoscutum' 'more shallowly impressed, but long, extending posterior to tegula', ; Matrix
'Tasmabates'  11001100010120101{23}114
'Nanium_Townes__1967'  110400{01}0012112301011{12}
'Absyrtus'  10040000012312121011{01}
'Peakelestes'  11040{12}120121205011111
'Sialocara'  112101{01}2010520321{12}111
'Xiomara'  1103010001011{12}3212112
'Coelorhachis'  11040{12}001121124{12}1311{01}
'Oetophorus'  11040000112312321011{12}
'Aechmeta'  11040000112312421{01}012
'Trematopygodes'  110400{01}0112312421311{01}
'Jorgeus'  110401{01}0110122521{12}111
'Lathiponus'  110{34}0112110322321{12}110
'Neurogenia'  010400001101121210111
'Opheltes'  110400{01}31121121100102
'Perilimicron_Aubert__1989'  110404121121205311112
'Synoecetes'  110402001121114213114
'Tetrambon'  110401{01}0112415301211{14}
'Priopoda'  11040000110112321{01}11{01}
'Perilissus'  110400{01}011111{12}{34}{02}1011{012}
'Lophyroplectus'  110400{01}011201032{01}{01}11{12}
'Metopheltes'  110400{01}31121123210100
'Zaplethocornia'  11040{12}{01}211211{01}3212112
'7800'  110{34}00{01}011111{125}{34}{02}10{01}1{012}
'7806'  111{03}01100002124212110
'7861'  110301100100114211110
'3_99'  111301100122124212110
'7801'  11{01}3011001211{12}421{12}110
'7800'  110403012121004100103
'7803'  11040301{12}121004100103
'7802'  110{34}01{01}10121004102113
'7804'  110402011121004103103
'Gauldia'  110402010121004103103
; end; [ Continuous characters block, remove for execution in PAUP* ] Begin characters;   title continuous_characters;   dimensions nchar=0;   format   datatype = CONTINUOUS   gap = - ; matrix
; end; [ End continuous characters block ]