Westwoodia species matrix (99)

#NEXUS [generated by mx Sat May 04 00:30:27 -0500 2024] [from matrix: Westwoodia species matrix ] Begin taxa; Dimensions Ntax=6; Taxlabels   'ruficeps'   'gauldi'   'rodmani'   'romani'   'ruficeps'   'longipes' ; end; Begin characters; Title Multistate_characters; Dimensions Nchar=10; Format   datatype = STANDARD   missing = ?   symbols = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N P Q R S U V W X Y Z !"; Charstatelabels   1 Tall_interantennal_flange / 'Absent' 'Present',   2 Y_Shaped_flange_or_carina__branched_posteriorly_ / 'Absent' 'Present',   3 Ridge_on_inner_side_of_frontal_bulge / 'Absent' 'Present',   4 Face_punctation / 'sparsely punctate' 'densely punctate' 'uniformly rugose',   5 Fore_wing_areolet / 'Absent' 'Present',   6 Occipital_carina_ / 'Not Sharp and complete' 'Sharp and complete',   7 Setal_density_on_first_flagellomere_ / 'Sparsely covered with setae' 'Densely covered with setae',   8 Color_of_Mesosoma_and_Metasoma / 'At least some black' 'All Orange',   9 Color_of_petiole__fore_tibia__fore_tarsi__female_only_ / 'All Black' 'One or more parts not black ',   10 Head_depression / 'Shallow' 'Deep', ; Matrix
'ruficeps'  10001{01}0011
'gauldi'  11111{01}{01}011
'rodmani'  00?211{01}1?0
'romani'  011111101?
'ruficeps'  1000110001
'longipes'  01{01}{01}0010?0
; end; [ Continuous characters block, remove for execution in PAUP* ] Begin characters;   title continuous_characters;   dimensions nchar=0;   format   datatype = CONTINUOUS   gap = - ; matrix
; end; [ End continuous characters block ]