Asobara Foerster

No referenced distribution records have been added to the database for this OTU.

There are no specimens currently determined for this OTU, or those specimens determined for this OTU are not yet mappable.

The vast majority of the species of Asobara that are reared from fruit do not attack Tephritidae. Most of these are parasitoids of flies in the family Drosophilidae. However, there are a few confirmed records of species reared from Tephritidae, especially in the Neotropics. In particular, Asobara anastrephae (Muesebeck) has been reared on more than one occasion from tephritids in the genus Anastrepha, and A. rubra (Papp) has also been reared from tephritids. Although it is unknown if these two species have other hosts, the records for Tephritidae are unequivocal (see Ovruski et al. 2000 for summary of literature).

For additional information, see the Braconidae and Alysiinae pages.

1.Asobara sp. fore wing