Opius Wesmael, 1835

No referenced distribution records have been added to the database for this OTU.

There are no specimens currently determined for this OTU, or those specimens determined for this OTU are not yet mappable.

The genus Opius is arguably one of the largest in the family Braconidae, though van Achterberg (1997) has attempted to split the genus into roughly two equal parts on the basis of the presence or absence of a basal tooth on the mandible. Since only a few species have been formally placed using this subdivision, I am using the broader concept of Opius (Opius sensu lato) for the few species that are know to attack fruit-infesting Tephritidae. In addition to the subgenus Bellopius, treated separately, the species included in Opius and treated below are Opius baldufi Muesebeck, Opius bucki Costa Lima, Opius downesi Gahan, Opius froggatti Fullaway, Opius mariae Tobias, and Opius tafivallensis Fischer. Most of these species seem unrelated to one another or to the other genera and species groups of Opiinae that attack fruit-infesting Tephritidae. They may thus represent independent acquisitions of tephritid parasitism in the Opiinae.

For additional information, see the Opiinae and Braconidae pages.

1. O. froggatti face:...
2. O. froggatti habitus: lateral...
3. O. froggatti thorax...
4. O. froggatti thorax: do...